AHL Weekly House Expo Feb.2: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd. I'm spending the first weekend of February in Tokyo, where snow is in the forecast. Right now, I'm wrapping up a collaboration track with a French producer. We’ve got two songs ready, and hopefully, we can release them soon!
Now, as usual, I’m excited to introduce some new-built house music from around the world this week. Every track featured here is one I personally purchased and downloaded, chosen through a serious selection process. Let’s dive in!
1) Deephope, Li.La - Uh Uh
スペインでDeepClicksやAgua Saladaを率いているDeephopeがイタリアのHOUPHからリリースした「Uh Uh」。彼らしい清楚なサウンドに疾走感が加わってる。好きです。
Deephope, the head of DeepClicks and Agua Salada in Spain, has released ‘Uh Uh’ on Italy’s HOUPH. It carries his signature melancholic touch while maintaining a fast-paced groove. Love it!
2) Markus Homm, Nici Faerber - Basement Room (Dilby Remix)
Markus Homm, Nici Faerberの「Basement Room」を、ベルリンのDilbyがリミックス。彼のシグネチャーでもある骨っぽいグルーヴが最高です。
Markus Homm and Nici Faerber’s ‘Basement Room’ gets a remix from Berlin-based Dilby. His signature tight, groovy touch is top-notch.
3) Nathan Haines, Marlena Shaw - Squire For Hire (Fouk Remix)
Nathan Hainesのサックスが心地良く駆け巡る「Squire For Hire」を、オランダ・ユトレヒトの2人組・Foukリミックス。Foliageからのリリースらしい、オーガニックなハウスです。
Nathan Haines' sax-driven track “Squire For Hire” gets a remix from Utrecht-based duo Fouk, delivering an organic house groove that fits perfectly with Foliage’s signature sound.
4) Jack District - Neurologic
ブラジル・フロリアノポリスのプロデューサー、Jack Districtの「Neurologic」。Beatportのジャンル表記はTechnoだけど、124BPMだし全然ハウスでいけます。この静かに熱を帯びる感じ、気に入りました。
‘Neurologic’ by Florianópolis-based producer Jack District is listed as Techno on Beatport, but at 124 BPM, it’s undeniably house. I love its subtle intensity.
5) T.Markakis - Need & Want
シカゴの老舗Large Musicからリリースされた、ギリシャ・アテネのプロデューサー、T.Markakisの「Need & Want」。無限にきいていられる陶酔感のあるコードプログレッションがたまらない。
‘Need & Want’ by Athens-based producer T.Markakis, released on the esteemed Chicago label Large Music, features a euphoric chord progression that feels endlessly captivating.
6) Sebastian Emes, Roman Blum, Rona Ray - Disco Kitchen
Rona Rayのボーカルが嬉しい、Sebastian Emes, Roman Blumの「Disco Kitchen」。リラックスしたおだやかな気持ちで音に身を任せられます。
‘Disco Kitchen’ by Sebastian Emes and Roman Blum, featuring the delightful vocals of Rona Ray, offers a smooth and immersive sound that invites you to relax and lose yourself in the groove.
7) Vincenzo Gerri - All I Need
UK Garageで出会った、Vincenzo Gerriの「All I Need」。華やかなサウンドが突き抜けてます。
‘All I Need’ by Vincenzo Gerri, which I discovered through UK Garage, stands out with its gorgeous sound.
8) Ed Ramsey - Save Our World (Richard Earnshaw Classic Extended Mix)
Ed Ramseyの「Save Our World」を、英ボシャムを拠点とするRichard Earnshawがリミックス。シンプルに良い歌な上に、ベースのグルーヴが最高。
Ed Ramsey's ‘Save Our World,’ remixed by Bosham, UK-based Richard Earnshaw, is simply a great song with an excellent bass groove.
9) Rony Breaker - Solid Ground (Brian Tappert Prime Time Dub)
先週も紹介したRony Breakerの「Solid Ground」ですが、Brian Tappertによる「Prime Time Dub」も、その名の通りのピークタイム向けの、よりタイトで格好いいサウンドです。
Rony Breaker's ‘Solid Ground’ was introduced last week, and this time, Brian Tappert’s ‘Prime Time Dub’ delivers a tighter, more polished sound, perfect for peak time, just as the name suggests.
10) Cee ElAssaad, Doug Gomez - Jam It to the Riddim
NYを拠点とするDoug Gomezと、モロッコ・カサブランカのプロデューサー、Cee ElAssaadの「Jam It to the Riddim」。宇宙的でスケールの大きな曲です。
‘Jam It to the Riddim’ by NY-based Doug Gomez and Moroccan Casablanca producer Cee ElAssaad. The track has a cosmic feel and a grand scale.
【Track of the Week】Ed Ramsey - Save Our World (Richard Earnshaw Classic Extended Mix)
今週のTrack of the Weekには、ベテラン・Richard Earnshawがリミックスを手がけたこの曲を選びました。ウェルメイドで岩のような安定感のあるトラックに、美しい歌。最高です。
For this week's Track of the Week, I've chosen this track, remixed by the veteran Richard Earnshaw. It's a well-crafted, rock-steady track with a beautiful song. Best for.
Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!
Here's the new house music for 2025!
Here is a playlist curated by 'Akihabara Housing Ltd.' that accumulates the new releases of 2025 I recommend. It currently features 37 tracks. House music lovers, please keep checking out this playlist if you like it.
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House Music Lounge 秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. ):
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spinnage.official/
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!