
AHL Weekly House Expo Nov.26-Nov.27: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge
"Akihabara Housing, Ltd." It's finally the last weekend of November in Tokyo, and this week I'll be introducing new-built house music from around the world.
All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.
1) Demarkus Lewis - Make Things Right
フランス・リールのOhmelyaからリリースされた、米ダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewisの「Make Things Right」。クリアにきらめくピアノのリフレインが気持ちいい。
'Make Things Right' by US Dallas ironman Demarkus Lewis, released on Ohmelya in Lille, France. The clear, sparkling piano refrain is pleasant.
2) Josh Butler - Take Control
マンチェスターのプロデューサー、Josh Butlerの「Take Control」。クラシックハウスの香りも漂うソリッドなベースラインにソウルフルなボーカル。気に入りました。
'Take Control' by Manchester producer Josh Butler. Soulful vocals with a solid bassline with a hint of classic house. Liked.
3) Laroye & Abi Flynn - Translation
パリのプロデューサー、LaroyeとAbi Flynnの「Translation」が、ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazzが率いるAtjazz Record Companyよりリリースされました。複雑に絡み合う音と音が新鮮な音のランドスケープを見せてくれます。格好いい!
'Translation' by Parisian producers Laroye and Abi Flynn is released on Atjazz Record Company, led by London deep house meister Atjazz. The intricate interplay of sounds and sonic interplay presents a fresh sonic landscape. Cool!
4) Jamie Vice feat. Holly Rae - Right Here (Sebb Junior Remix)
Jamie Viceの「Right Here」を、スペイン・グラナダの伊達男Sebb Juniorが華やかにリミックス。畳みかけるピアノのリフレインが最高に気持ちいいです。
Jamie Vice's 'Right Here' is gorgeously remixed by Granada, Spain's good guy Sebb Junior. The piano refrain that folds in and out is the most pleasant of all.
5) Nonduality, Elayas - Augurio
ロンドンのApparel Musicからリリースされた、ベルリンのプロデューサー・ElayasとNondualityのコラボで「Augurio」。抽象的で落ち着いたフロウに陶酔してしまいました。
'Augurio' is a collaboration between Berlin producer Elayas and Nonduality, released on London's Apparel Music. The abstract and calm flow of the song was intoxicating.
6) Diephuis feat. Ursula Rucker – Listen To This Drum (Turbojazz & Sean McCabe Remix)
Diephuisの「Listen to This Drum」を、イタリアのTurbojazzと英ブリストルのSean Maccabeがリミックスしました。ベテラン・Ursula Ruckerのポエトリーリーディングも冴えてます。ドラマティックで最高!
”Listen to This Drum" by Diephuis, remixed by Turbojazz from Italy and Sean Maccabe from Bristol, UK. Veteran Ursula Rucker's poetry reading is also brilliant. Dramatic and great!
7) B&S Concept - I'm Sorry
フランス・リールのプロデューサー、B&S Conceptが、ベルギー・アントワープのGents & Dandy'sからリリースした「Back to The Underground」。B&S Conceptらしい切れ味のいい華やかなハウスです。最高。
'Back to The Underground' by French Lille producer B&S Concept, released on Gents & Dandy's in Antwerp, Belgium, is a sharp, gorgeous house affair in the B&S Concept vein. Best for.
8) Nick Curly - Island Letters
ドイツ・マンハイムのレーベル8bitからリリースされた、Nick Curlyの「Island Letters」。シンプルだけど力強いアレンジで、ぐいぐい引き込まれる磁力があります。格好いい!
"Island Letters" by Nick Curly, released on the 8bit label from Mannheim, Germany. The arrangement is simple but powerful, with a magnetic force that draws you in. Cool!
9) Tiptoes - Strings
'Strings' by Glasgow, UK producer Tiptoes. It's a dynamic song, with synth pads cascading over heavy kicks and tribal percussion bouncing around. Liked.
10) Tiptoes - Mars Landings
「Strings」と同じ「The Akai Samurai Strikes Again - EP」からもう1曲。この「Mars Landings」も重いキックとダークなハーモニーでぐいぐい押してくる好トラックです。良き。
Another track from the same 'The Akai Samurai Strikes Again - EP' as 'Strings'. 'Mars Landings' is another good track that pushes hard with heavy kicks and dark harmonies. Good.

【Track of the Week】Laroye & Abi Flynn - Translation
The ten songs introduced this week were so grainy that it was difficult to narrow it down to just one, but I would like to choose this dramatic song, which I liked the best for its bass tone, as 'Track of the Week'. It's fun to watch the song develop into a kaleidoscope of expressions, transitioning just like the song's title suggests!
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
Here's the new house music for 2022!
Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 437 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.
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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!
(Translation by DeepL)
