AHL Weekly House Expo Jan.19: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hi, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd. I'm spending my third weekend of 2025 in Tokyo. Last week, I watched Solitary Gourmet, and this week I caught GQuuuuuuX. I was thrilled to see it on an IMAX laser screen, and I’m glad I did—the picture and sound were absolutely amazing!
Now, as usual, I’m excited to introduce some new-built house music from around the world this week. Every track featured here is one I personally purchased and downloaded, chosen through a serious selection process. Let’s dive in!
1) Spinnage - Lies
First up, my new track Lies, which was pre-released on Traxsource last November, is now available on Beatport and other platforms! I think it’s a sexy song with a soft touch. I’d love your support!
2) Demarkus Lewis - Finger Roll
ダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewisが去年の5月にリリースしていたjackin house、「Finger Roll」。駆け回るピアノの音色がビビッドで、楽しい曲です。
Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis dropped the jackin’ house track Finger Roll last May. It’s a fun tune with a vivid, lively piano tone running throughout.
3) Radic The Myth - Summer Solstice (feat. Jimpster)
英エセックスでFreerange Recordsを率いるJimpsterと、Radic The Mythの共作で「Summer Solstice (feat. Jipmster)」。華やかな音像がフロアを包みます。
'Summer Solstice (feat. Jimpster)' is a collaboration between Jimpster who helm Freerange Records in Essex, UK, and Radic The Myth. The track features a gorgeous soundscape that beautifully envelops the dance floor.
4) Radic The Myth - Back To You
前の曲と同じEPに収録された、Radic The Mythの「Back To You」も素晴らしい。立体的な構成でめくるめくランドスケープが描かれます。
Radic The Myth's 'Back To You', from the same EP as Summer Solstice, is equally excellent. Its three-dimensional composition crafts a dazzling and immersive landscape, making it a standout track.
5) Mo'Cream - True Feelings
イタリア・ミラノのプロデューサー、Mo'Creamの「True Feelings」が、シカゴの信頼の老舗レーベル・Largeからリリースされました。華やかで切ないサウンドが印象的。
'True Feelings’ by Milan-based producer Mo'Cream is now out on Chicago's long-established Large label. The track boasts a gorgeous yet melancholic sound.
6) Ross Couch - Deep House Movement
グラスゴーのプロデューサー、Ross Couchお得意のサウンドで描かれるディープハウス賛歌「Deep House Movement」。素晴らしい透明感。
'Deep House Movement' is a deep house anthem showcasing Glasgow producer Ross Couch's signature sound, with great transparency throughout.
7) Kry - You Love (Sebb Junior Extended Remix)
スペイン・グラナダ在住のSebb Juniorがリミックスを手がけた、Kryの「You Love」。きらめくサウンドで彩られた華やかなトラックです。
Kry's 'You Love,' remixed by Granada, Spain-based Sebb Junior, is a gorgeous track filled with sparkling sounds.
8) Color Jaxx - Find Yourself
ベルギー・ハッセルト郊外のプロデューサー・Color Jaxxの「Find Yourself」。透明感のあるボイスとシンセトーンのマリアージュが優しい空間を作り出します。
'Find Yourself' by producer Color Jaxx from the Belgian suburb of Hasselt blends transparent vocals with synth tones, crafting a gentle and soothing space.
9) Footshooter, James Mollison - Cycles
イギリス・ブライトンのTru Thoughtsからリリースされた、サックスの響きが心地良いトラック。非四つ打ちから四つ打ちへと展開する構成も楽しい。
A track with a pleasant saxophone sound, released on Tru Thoughts, Brighton, UK, features an enjoyable structure that evolves from non-4-to-the-floor to a steady 4-to-the-floor rhythm.
10) Angelo Bass - Strictly For Love
ゴロゴロとしたリズムマシンの刻むビートが印象的な、Angelo Bassの「Strictly for Love」。DJミックスの中で良いアクセントになってくれそうです。
The rumbling rhythm machine and ticking beat of Angelo Bass's "Strictly for Love" make it a great addition to a DJ mix.
【Track of the Week】Radic The Myth - Back To You
今週のTrack of the Weekにはこの曲を選びました。めくるめく音のランドスケープの多彩さに感動しました。最高です。
I have chosen this song for this week's Track of the Week. I was impressed by the variety and depth of the dazzling sound landscape. Best for.
Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!
Spinnage - Danish Gambit
2024年の12/27にリリースされた「Deep Year's Eve Vol.2」というコンピレーションに、僕Spinnageは新曲「danish Gambit」で参加しました。
I, Spinnage, participated in the compilation ‘Deep Year's Eve Vol. 2’ released on 27 December 2024 with a new song ‘danish Gambit’.
この「Deep Year's Eve vol.2」は全10曲収録。Deep Cllicksらしい端正な曲が並んでいて、アルバム全体としてもオススメの1枚です。ぜひ以下の動画から視聴してみてください!
This ‘Deep Year's Eve vol. 2’ contains 10 tracks in total, a neat set of songs typical of Deep Cllicks, and the album as a whole is highly recommended. We invite you to watch the video below!
Here's the new house music for 2025!
Here is a playlist curated by 'Akihabara Housing Ltd.' that accumulates the new releases of 2025 I recommend. It currently features 29 tracks. House music lovers, please keep checking out this playlist if you like it.
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House Music Lounge 秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. ):
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spinnage.official/
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!