
AHL Weekly House Expo Jan.12: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge ‘Akihabara Housing Ltd.’, spending my second weekend in Tokyo during the sunny start of 2025. It was a three-day weekend here in Japan, so on Sunday, I went to see the movie ‘Solitary Gourmet’. It was incredibly interesting!


Now, as usual, I’m excited to introduce some new-built house music from around the world this week. Every track featured here is one I personally purchased and downloaded, chosen through a serious selection process. Let’s dive in!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Melchior Sultana - The Horizon

地中海に浮かぶマルタの街ルアのプロデューサー、Melchior Sultanaの「The Horizon」。厚みのあるサウンドを支える、繰り返されるRubberテイストのシンセベースにハマりました。

Hailing from the Mediterranean city of Luqa, Malta, Melchior Sultana delivers with ‘The Horizon.’ I was captivated by the repeated rubbery synth bass that anchors the rich, textured sound.

2) Todd Terry, Louie Vega - Has Anybody Ever Loved Someone

御大Todd TerryとLouie Vegaの「Has Anybody Ever Loved Someone」。岩のように堅固でパワフルなトラック。最高です。

A collaboration between the legendary Todd Terry and Louie Vega, this track is rock solid and powerful. Perfect for setting the mood on any dance floor.

3) Jose Vilches, Joselacruz - Yuma

スペインを拠点とするJoselacruzとJose Vilchesの「Yuma」。Eピアノのクリアなリフが心地良い。

Spain-based producers Joselacruz and Jose Vilches deliver ‘Yuma,’ featuring a pleasantly clear riff on the electric piano that adds a refreshing touch to the track.

4) Demarkus Lewis - A Good Night

ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの「A Good Night」。彼のシグネチャーである、艶のあるサウンドに陶酔します。

Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis delivers ‘A Good Night,’ showcasing his signature, lustrous sound that’s utterly intoxicating.

5) Change, Tanya Michelle Smith - Sunrise Forever (Michael Gray Extended Remix)

ロンドンのプロデューサー、Michael Grayがリミックスを手がけた、Changeの「Sunrise Forever」。華やかなピアノの響きで多幸感に包まれます。

London producer Michael Gray's remix of ‘Sunrise Forever’ by Change features gorgeous piano echoes that create a truly euphoric atmosphere.

6) Bamo, Rainy Payne - Color Blind (Rocco Rodamaal Remix)

フランス・リヨン出身のプロデューサー、Rocco Rodamaalがリミックスを手がけた、BamoとRainy Payneの「Color Blind」。鞭のようにしなる硬いキックに興奮します。

Producer Rocco Rodamaal from Lyon, France, remixes ‘Colour Blind’ by Bamo and Rainy Payne, delivering an exciting track with a stiff, whip-like kick.

7) Max Kion - Revival

ロンドンの女性プロデューサー・Max Kionの「Revival」。厚みのあるコーラスも印象駅な、ストレートなピアノハウス。好きです。

Female London producer Max Kion delivers ‘Revival,’ a straightforward piano house track with a thick chorus and an impressive groove. A definite favorite.

8) Hanna - Sometimes (N.W.N. Remix)


The e-piano phrase in this remix is light and gentle, evoking a tender feeling.

9) BAM, M Wash - You're Gone (David Harness Remix)

去年の2月リリースの曲で、米オークランドのプロデューサー・David Harnessがリミックスを手がけた、BAMの「You're Gone」。爽やかな女性ボーカルに、透明感のあるエレピサウンド。大好き。

Released last February, BAM's track 'You're Gone' was remixed by US-based Oakland producer David Harness. The fresh female vocals and clear electric piano sound make it stand out. Loves.

10) Sean McCabe - Modulate

イギリス・ブリストルのプロデューサー、Sean McCabeの「Modulate」。跳ねるシンセベースが最高に格好いいし、ピアノとの掛け合いも心地良い。気に入りました。

By Bristol, UK producer Sean McCabe, ‘Modulate’ features the coolest bouncing synth bass I’ve ever heard, complemented by the pleasant interplay of piano. Liked.

【Track of the Week】Todd Terry, Louie Vega - Has Anybody Ever Loved Someone

今週の「Track of the Week」にはこのパワフルな曲を選びました。僕よりも年上の、ハウスミュージックの始まりから活躍しているスーパーレジェンドの2人が手がけたこの曲には、本当に勇気づけられます。

I’ve chosen this powerful song for this week’s Track of the Week. I’m really inspired by this track, created by two super-legends who are older than me and have been active in house music since its early days.


Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!

  • Beatport

  • Traxsource


Spinnage - Danish Gambit

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

2024年の12/27にリリースされた「Deep Year's Eve Vol.2」というコンピレーションに、僕Spinnageは新曲「danish Gambit」で参加しました。

I, Spinnage, participated in the compilation ‘Deep Year's Eve Vol. 2’ released on 27 December 2024 with a new song ‘danish Gambit’.

この「Deep Year's Eve vol.2」は全10曲収録。Deep Cllicksらしい端正な曲が並んでいて、アルバム全体としてもオススメの1枚です。ぜひ以下の動画から視聴してみてください!

This ‘Deep Year's Eve vol. 2’ contains 10 tracks in total, a neat set of songs typical of Deep Cllicks, and the album as a whole is highly recommended. We invite you to watch the video below!

Here's the new house music for 2025!


Here is a playlist curated by 'Akihabara Housing Ltd.' that accumulates the new releases of 2025 I recommend. It currently features 19 tracks. House music lovers, please keep checking out this playlist if you like it.

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House Music Lounge 秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. ):
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spinnage.official/

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL + ChatGPT)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)