
AHL Weekly House Expo Dec.3-Dec.4: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." As we approach the end of the year 2022 and the first weekend of December, I'm back this week with another article of new-built house music from around the world, from Tokyo.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) AFFKT - Black Clocanti

ポーランドのシュチェチンのレーベル・Pets Recordingsの年間コンピレーションに収録された、スペイン・バレンシアのアーティスト・AFFKTの「Black Clocanti」。10月リリースなのにチェック漏れてました。妖しくうねる低音が格好いい!

'Black Clocanti' by Valencia, Spain artist AFFKT, included in the annual compilation by Polish Szczecin label Pets Recordings, released in October but I didn't check it out. Cool with its bewitching, swirling bass!

2) Coflo, Lady C - Easy (Atjazz Remix)


Remix work by London deep house meister Atjazz. The refrains, piled up in subdued tones, are enchanting.

3) Dam Swindle - More Love

HEISTレーベルを率いるアムステルダムの2人組、Dam Swindleの「More Love」。シンプルだけど力強い。最高です。

'More Love' by Amsterdam duo Dam Swindle, who head up the HEIST label. Simple but powerful. Best for.

4) CEV's - Living In A Dream (Demarkus Lewis Remix)

フランス・リールでOHMELYAレーベルを率いるCEV'sの「Living In A Dream」を、ダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewisがリミックス。クリスタルクリアの輝きが心地良い。

'Living In A Dream' by CEV's, who heads the OHMELYA label in Lille, France, remixed by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis. The crystal clear sparkle is pleasant.

5) Reel People feat. Vanessa Freeman - Butterflies (Emmaculate Remix)

Reel Peopleが19年前にリリースした名曲「Butterflies」を、シカゴのプロデューサーEmmaculateが華麗にリミックス。原曲の良さを今に伝える素晴らしいミックスです。最高。

Reel People's classic 'Butterflies', released 19 years ago, is brilliantly remixed by Chicago producer Emmaculate. It's a great mix that brings the best of the original song to the present. Best for.

6) Sebb Junior - So Fine

スペイン・グラナダの伊達男、Sebb Juniorの「So Fine」。みんなで笑顔になれそうな、軽快なリフレインがひたすら心地良いトラックです

'So Fine' by Sebb Junior, the nice guy from Granada, Spain. It's just a pleasant track with a light refrain that will make everyone smile.

7) Kerri Chandler - Bar A Thym (THEMBA Remix)

Kerri Chandlerの「Bar A Thym」を、南アフリカ・ヨハネスブルクのプロデューサー、Thembaがリミックス。原曲の荒々しさのニュアンスはそのままに、ウェルメイドな質感に仕立てられています。良き。

Kerri Chandler's 'Bar A Thym' is remixed by Johannesburg, South Africa-based producer Themba. The rough and tumble nuances of the original track are retained, but given a well-made texture. Good.

8) Steve Mill - Poor's Ego ft. Elli (Crackazat Remix)

ギリシャ・テッサロニキ出身のSteve Millの「Poor's Ego」を、スウェーデン・ウプサラの彗星、Carackazatがリミックス。ピアノがきらめくドリーミーな仕上がりになっています。気に入りました。

Steve Mill's 'Poor's Ego' from Thessaloniki, Greece, is remixed by the comet Carackazat from Uppsala, Sweden. The result is dreamy, with sparkling piano. Liked.

9) Eli Escobar - Seein You (Gelipe Gordon Remix)

コロンビア・ボゴタのプロデューサー、Felipe Gordonが手がけた、Eli Escobar「Seein You」のリミックス。スラップベースが小気味いい、BPM117のディープハウスです。

Remix of Eli Escobar 'Seein You' by Colombian Bogota producer Felipe Gordon. It's deep house at 117 BPM, with a excellent slap bass.

10) Markus Homm - Blue Mountain

ドイツ・ニュルンベルクのプロデューサー、Markus Hommの「Blue Mountain」。ダークな空間に、艶やかなシンセトーンが響く。格好いい!

'Blue Mountain' by Nuremberg, Germany producer Markus Homm. Glossy synth tones echo in the dark space. Cool!

【Track of the Week】Dam Swindle - More Love

Dam Swindleの2人が、まだDetroit Swindleと名乗っていた頃から得意としていたシンプルで力強いリズムが帰ってきました。彼らにとってのback to the basicsというか、再びSwindleがフロアに旋風を巻き起こす予感がします。最高!

The simple, powerful rhythms that the two Dam Swindle members have specialised in since they were still calling themselves Detroit Swindle are back. It's back to the basics for them, and I have a feeling that Swindle will be taking the floor by storm once again. Great!!!

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!


来る12月9日(金曜日)の夜22時から、東京・渋谷の Galaxy - Gingakei にてテクノパーティ「秋葉原重工 Jingumae Branch #2」が開催されます。「秋葉原住宅」からは、REV-TUNEとHiroshi Okuboの2名が出演しますので、ぜひ遊びにきてください!

The techno party "Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc. Jingumae Branch #2" will be held at Galaxy - Gingakei in Shibuya, Tokyo, on Friday 9 December from 22:00. Two members of Akihabara Housing, Ltd., REV-TUNE and Hiroshi Okubo, will be performing, so please come and have fun!

Here's the new house music for 2022!


Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 446 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)