
AHL Weekly House Expo Feb.17-Feb.18: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello everyone. This is Spinnage, the direcotr of Akihabara Housing Ltd., spending the third weekend of February in Tokyo, which started with cloudy skies.


Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Mo'Cream - Up All Night (Jo Paciello Jazzy Touch Remix)

イタリア・ミラノのプロデューサー・Mo'Creamの「Up All Night」をJo Pacielloがジャジーにリミックス。良い雰囲気です。

Jo Paciello's jazzy remix of 'Up All Night' by Milan, Italy producer Mo'Cream. Good atmosphere.

2) Beat Rivals & Andre Espeut - You Are The Answer (Opolopo Remix)

Beat RivalsがボーカルにAndre Espeutを迎えた「You Are The Answer」を、スウェーデン・ストックホルムの超絶技巧派Opolopoがリミックス。ソウルフルなときめきが詰まってる。最高!

Beat Rivals' 'You Are The Answer' with Andre Espeut on vocals was remixed by the superb Opolopo from Stockholm, Sweden. It's full of soulful crushes. Best for!

3) Skogsberg & Akdogan - In You (Sebb Junior Extended Remix)

スウェーデン・ストックホルムの2人組、Skogsberg & Akdoganの「In You」を、スペイン・グラナダのSebb Juniorがリミックス。透明感のあるシンセにタイトなリズム。最高格好いいです。

'In You' by Stockholm, Sweden duo Skogsberg & Akdogan, remixed by Sebb Junior from Granada, Spain. Tight rhythm with transparent synths. Great looking.

4) Mike Zoran - La Danse

ポルトガル・リスボンのプロデューサー、Mike Zoranの「La Danse」。スペインDeep Clicksからのリリースらしい、ミニマルに抽象化されたハウスです。

'La Danse' by Lisbon, Portugal producer Mike Zoran. This is minimalist abstracted house, typical of releases on Spain's Deep Clicks label.

5) Kaysoul - Icey Baby (feat. Mr. Beale) Vocal Mix

英エセックスのFreerangeからリリースされた、Kaysoulの「Icey Baby」。繊細でありながらソリッドで骨太な音像が格好いい。最高。

'Icey Baby' by Kaysoul, released on Freerange, Essex, UK. Delicate, yet solid and brawny, with a cool soundscape. Best for.

6) Fred Everything, Rober Owens - Never

カナダ・モントリオールのFred Everythingが、ボーカルにRober Owensを迎えた「Never」。オーガニックで品のいいハウスです。しかしロバート・オーエンスは声がぜんぜん年とらないね。もう62歳とかでしょう?すごい…

'Never' by Fred Everything from Montreal, Canada, with vocals by Rober Owens. It's organic and classy house. But Robert Owens' voice doesn't age at all. He's 62 or something, isn't he? Amazing...

7) HUGEhands - Yesterday


'Yesterday' by British Bristol producer HUGEhands, a gentle tune with nuances of 90s house classics. Liked.

8) Nathalie Capello - Alternate

独ベルリンの女性プロデューサー、Nathalie Capelloの「Alternate」。迷いのない四つ打ちキックに優美なハーモニー。大好きなやつでした。

'Alternate' by German-Berlin female producer Nathalie Capello. A graceful harmony with a unmistakable four-strike kick. It was my favourite one.

9) Yours - DÓNDE ESTÁ (Masters At Work Straight Beat)

Yoursの「DÓNDE ESTÁ」を、Masters At Workがリミックス。軽快なディスコハウス風味の原曲が、ゴツゴツしたビートでクールなトラックに変貌しています。

Masters At Work's remix of Yours' 'DÓNDE ESTÁ'. The light disco-house-flavoured original is transformed into a cool track with a thumping beat.

10) KARPOVICH, DJVEDO, Bonnie Spacey - Night And City

僕もときにはワルい音のインディーダンスを聴きたくなるときがあります。KARPOVICH, DJVEDO, Bonnie Spaceyの3人の名義でリリースされた「Night And City」は、そんなワル~い音が出ていて最高です。

Sometimes I also want to listen to badass-sounding indie dance, and 'Night And City', released under the name of KARPOVICH, DJVEDO and Bonnie Spacey, is a great example of that badass sound.

【Track of the Week】Kaysoul - Icey Baby (feat. Mr. Beale) Vocal Mix

今週の「Track of the Week」はこの曲に決めました。Freerange Recordsらしい、固い芯の通ったソリッドな音像とエレガントなサウンドのマリアージュが本当に素晴らしい。シンセベースもすごくいい音。最高

I've decided on this track for this week's 'Track of the Week' - it's a really nice marriage of solid soundscapes with a hard core and elegant sound, typical of Freerange Records. The synth bass sounds really good too. It's great.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

今週セレクトした10曲でBeatportのDJ Chartを作りました。ぜひ活用してくださいね!

I have created a Beatport DJ Chart with the 10 tracks I selected this week. Please make use of it!

Monthly DJ charts are now available on Traxsource!


As well as Beatport, I have also started publishing DJ charts on Traxsource, where I would like to publish my lists monthly rather than weekly, so Traxsource users are encouraged to take advantage of this!

New Release!

2024年2月1日に、Beatport独占先行配信で新EP「You Drive Me Crazy EP」をリリースしました。去年の5月にリリースした「Highway EP」に続いてZetbeeがリミックスで参加してくれています(感激)。

On 1 February 2024, the new EP 'You Drive Me Crazy EP' was released as a Beatport exclusive pre-release. Following the release of the 'Highway EP' last May, Zetbee has remixed the EP (I'm thrilled).


It has been available on Spotify and Traxsource since 15 February. Please give it a listen!

Here's the new house music for 2024!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 55 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house
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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)