
HAGIWO MOD1 : ADSR Envelope Generator | DIY Eurorack Modular Synth
HAGIWO MOD1 ADSR Envelope Genaratorの紹介
Eurorack Modular Synth用のDIY向け汎用CV/Gateモジュール。
ADSR Envelope Genarator機能紹介
HAGIWO MOD1 ADSR Envelope generator Ver1.0
ADSR output and 2 gate out.
The first gate out outputs HIGH only during the attack phase. This can be used as a gate-to-trigger conversion.
The second gate out outputs HIGH during the decay to release phases. This can be used as a gate delay or trigger-to-gate conversion.
--Pin assign---
POT1 A0 atk time
POT2 A1 decay time
POT3 A2 rel time
F1 D17 trig in
F2 D9 atk phase gate out
F3 D10 decay ~ rel phase gate out
F4 D11 EG output
BUTTON sustain level (6 range)
LED EG output
EEPROM sustain level
HAGIWO MOD1 ADSR Envelope generator Ver1.0
ADSR output and 2 gate out.
The first gate out outputs HIGH only during the attack phase. This can be used as a gate-to-trigger conversion.
The second gate out outputs HIGH during the decay to release phases. This can be used as a gate delay or trigger-to-gate conversion.
--Pin assign---
POT1 A0 atk time
POT2 A1 decay time
POT3 A2 rel time
F1 D17 trig in
F2 D9 atk phase gate out
F3 D10 decay ~ rel phase gate out
F4 D11 EG output
BUTTON sustain level (6 range)
LED EG output
EEPROM sustain level
#include <EEPROM.h> // Include EEPROM library for read/write
// ========== Pin Definitions ==========
int triggerPin = 17; // Gate input pin
int buttonPin = 4; // Button input pin, uses internal pull-up (LOW pressed)
int attackPin = A0; // Attack pot
int decayPin = A1; // Decay pot
int releasePin = A2; // Release pot
int attackLedPin = 9; // Indicator for ATTACK state
int decayLedPin = 10; // Indicator for DECAY->RELEASE states
// ========== Sustain Levels (6 examples) ==========
int sustainLevels[6] = {
146, 292, 438, 584, 730, 1023
int sustainIndex = 0;
int sustainLevel = sustainLevels[sustainIndex];
// ========== ADSR State Machine ==========
int envelopeState = IDLE;
float envelope = 0.0; // 0..1023
// ========== Timing & Rates ==========
unsigned long lastUpdateTime = 0; // For ADSR step every 1ms
float attackRate = 0.0;
float decayRate = 0.0;
float releaseRate = 0.0;
// Attack time=0 flag (A0 <=10 => instant to max)
bool attackIsZero = false;
// ========== Button Debounce Variables ==========
bool lastButtonState = HIGH; // pull-up => default HIGH
unsigned long buttonPreviousMillis = 0;
const unsigned long debounceDelay = 30; // ms
// ========== Function Prototypes ==========
void updateADSR();
void handleButtonInput();
void setup() {
// Configure Timer2 for ~62.5kHz PWM
// Fast PWM 8-bit, no prescaler => 16MHz / 256 = 62.5kHz
TCCR2A = 0;
TCCR2B = 0;
// Set Fast PWM mode
TCCR2A |= (1 << WGM21) | (1 << WGM20);
// No prescaler
TCCR2B |= (1 << CS20);
// Non-inverting PWM on OC2A / OC2B
TCCR2A |= (1 << COM2A1) | (1 << COM2B1);
pinMode(triggerPin, INPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Internal pull-up => LOW when pressed
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); // OCR2A => Envelope output
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // OCR2B => LED indicator
pinMode(attackLedPin, OUTPUT); // D9 => ATTACK indicator
pinMode(decayLedPin, OUTPUT); // D10 => DECAY/RELEASE indicator
// Initialize duty cycle
OCR2A = 0;
OCR2B = 0;
// Read sustainIndex from EEPROM at startup
sustainIndex = EEPROM.read(0); // Read index from address 0
if (sustainIndex >= 6) {
sustainIndex = 0; // Ensure valid range
sustainLevel = sustainLevels[sustainIndex];
void loop() {
// ----- (1) Handle button to update sustain level & EEPROM -----
// ----- (2) Read gate input -----
bool gate = digitalRead(triggerPin);
// Gate rising/falling detection
static bool prevGate = false;
if (gate && !prevGate) {
// Gate rising => Attack
envelopeState = ATTACK;
// Do not reset envelope => start from current value
if (!gate && prevGate) {
// Gate falling => Release
if (envelopeState != IDLE) {
envelopeState = RELEASE;
prevGate = gate;
// ----- (3) Read pot values for Attack/Decay/Release -----
int aVal = analogRead(attackPin);
int dVal = analogRead(decayPin);
int rVal = analogRead(releasePin);
// If Attack pot <=10 => Attack=0ms => envelope instantly 1023
if (aVal <= 10) {
attackIsZero = true;
attackRate = 999999.0; // Arbitrary large
} else {
attackIsZero = false;
int attackTimeMs = map(aVal, 0, 1023, 1, 1000);
attackRate = 1023.0 / attackTimeMs;
// Decay
int decayTimeMs = map(dVal, 0, 1023, 1, 1000);
float decDist = 1023.0 - sustainLevel;
decayRate = decDist / decayTimeMs;
// Release
int releaseTimeMs = map(rVal, 0, 1023, 1, 1000);
float relDist = (float)sustainLevel;
releaseRate = relDist / releaseTimeMs;
// ----- (4) Update ADSR at ~1ms intervals -----
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - lastUpdateTime >= 1) {
lastUpdateTime = currentMillis;
updateADSR(); // Update envelope state machine
// Write envelope to PWM: 0..1023 => 0..255
int duty = (int)(envelope / 4.0);
if (duty < 0) duty = 0;
if (duty > 255) duty = 255;
OCR2A = duty;
OCR2B = duty;
// Update ATTACK indicator (D9) => HIGH only in ATTACK
if (envelopeState == ATTACK) {
digitalWrite(attackLedPin, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(attackLedPin, LOW);
if (envelopeState == DECAY || envelopeState == SUSTAIN || envelopeState == RELEASE) {
digitalWrite(decayLedPin, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(decayLedPin, LOW);
This function updates the envelope based on the current state.
Attack starts from the current envelope value.
void updateADSR() {
switch (envelopeState) {
case IDLE:
envelope = 0.0;
case ATTACK:
if (attackIsZero) {
envelope = 1023.0;
envelopeState = DECAY;
} else {
envelope += attackRate;
if (envelope >= 1023.0) {
envelope = 1023.0;
envelopeState = DECAY;
case DECAY:
envelope -= decayRate;
if (envelope <= (float)sustainLevel) {
envelope = (float)sustainLevel;
envelopeState = SUSTAIN;
// Keep sustain level until gate is released
if (envelope > 0.0) {
envelope -= releaseRate;
if (envelope <= 0.0) {
envelope = 0.0;
envelopeState = IDLE;
This function handles the button press using a debounce approach.
The button is internal pull-up => reads HIGH normally, LOW when pressed.
Also stores sustainIndex to EEPROM on press.
void handleButtonInput() {
int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin); // LOW when pressed
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
// Debounce check
if (currentMillis - buttonPreviousMillis > debounceDelay) {
// Detect transition HIGH->LOW (button press)
if (reading == LOW && lastButtonState == HIGH) {
if (sustainIndex >= 6) sustainIndex = 0;
sustainLevel = sustainLevels[sustainIndex];
EEPROM.write(0, sustainIndex); // Store index to EEPROM
buttonPreviousMillis = currentMillis;
lastButtonState = reading;