"Nausicaa of the valley of the wind" or "The Teachings of Don Juan"
There was "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" written by Hayao Miyazaki in the library, so I borrowed it and read it. I watched the movie version a long time ago, but it was made into a movie halfway through the second volume of the original, and the whole is up to seven volumes. It's a manga, so it's easy to read, but the content is deep. When I read the original, I got the impression that it was quite different from the movie. It seems that many people only watch movies, but other many people have read the original, and on the Internet, you can find quite a few articles such as impressions and analysis.
Since I borrowed these books from the library, I cannot keep them with me and refer to them all the time, so I will not go into my impressions of it here, but I will note a few things. Needless to say, the heroine is based on the "Mushi mezuru himegimi" from "Tsutsumi Chunagon Monogatari," but the king with his clown, for example, who appears at the end of the story, reminds me of Shakespeare's "King Lear". Also, the scene in which Nausicaa is tempted by someone while her consciousness wanders away from her body reminds me of the episode in which Christ confronts the devil in the wilderness. There are probably other classical literary works that Mr. Miyazaki has read or watched that are reflected in this story. Leaving such analysis to his devoted fans, let me quote from Carlos Castaneda's description of the "knower" in "The Teachings of Don Juan".
(1) Becoming a knower is a matter of learning.
(2) The knower has an indomitable will.
(3) A knower has clarity of mind.
(4) Becoming a knower is a matter of hard work.
(5) The knower is a warrior.
(6) Becoming a knower is an unstoppable journey.
(7) The knower has allies.
I think Nausicaa as portrayed in the story fulfills all of these. If I were to add one more thing, I would say that the king's words to Nausicaa at the end of the story, "You are a chaos of destruction and mercy," are also very impressive.
If you are interested in these words, I recommend you to read the original story.