若くて血気盛んな年頃は再び来ないし、一日のうちの朝も二度と来ない。 それゆえに、学ぶべき時によく努め励んで充分に勉強しておかなければならない。歳月は人を待つものではないから、いつの間にか過ぎ去ってしまうのである。
人生無根蔕 人生は根蔕無く
飄如陌上塵 飄として陌上の塵の如し
分散逐風轉 分散し風を逐って轉じ
此已非常身 此れ已に常の身に非ず
落地為兄弟 地に落ちて兄弟と為る
何必骨肉親 何ぞ必ずしも骨肉の親のみならんや
得歓當作楽 歓を得ては當に楽しみを作すべし
斗酒聚比鄰 斗酒、比鄰を聚めよ
盛年不重來 盛年 重ねて來らず
一日難再晨 一日 再び晨なり難し
及時當勉励 時に及んで當に勉励すべし
歳月不待人 歳月は人を待たず
例えば「この菓子はやばい」を英訳させると、"This candy is awesome".となり、ひどくまずい菓子となってしまう。
「この菓子はやばいほどおいしい」だと"This candy is insanely delicious".となり、めちゃくちゃ美味いことが伝わるだろう。
If you think but don't learn, you're in trouble.
In the February issue of Bungeishunju magazine that I read at the library, Fujiwara Masahiko wrote about the life of Fukuzawa Yukichi.
In the Jitsugokyo, it is written, "If a man does not learn, he has no wisdom, and if he has no wisdom, he is a fool." Therefore, the difference between a wise man and a fool is whether he learns or does not learn.
According to Wikipedia, "Jigokyou" is an elementary textbook that was popular from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Meiji period and is centered on teachings for the common people.
Fujiwara comments that "Encouragement of Learning" is "a thoroughly condescending approach." However, when scandals like this occur due to ignorance, I think we should have someone like Yukichi Fukuzawa preach about it once again.
On the other hand, there is a saying that goes, "Time waits for no man. Let's do it." The common interpretation of this saying is as follows.
The years of youth and fresh energy will never come again, nor will the morning of a day come again. Therefore, when it is time to learn, you must study hard and diligently. Time waits for no man, and before you know it, it will be gone.
According to the Iwanami Bunko edition, the original meaning was completely the opposite.
A human life has no solid foundation, like the roots of a tree or the petals of a fruit.
It is like dust on the road, flying aimlessly.
Blown here and there by the wind, our bodies can no longer maintain their original form.
Having been born into such a world, all people are like brothers.
There is no need to limit it to blood relatives.
When you are happy, enjoy yourself to your heart's content, prepare plenty of wine and drink with your neighbors.
Youth will never come again, and there will never be a second morning in a day.
While you can, enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Time waits for no man.
The Chinese poet Tao Yuanming is quite a fun guy.
And there's another proverb that goes, "Youth is fleeting, and learning is difficult." Wikipedia explains it like this:
The source of this proverb was thought to be a Chinese poem called "Gousei" by Zhu Xi (Zhu Xi). (Omitted) However, this poem cannot be found in Zhu Xi's collection of poems and prose.
This fact had been an issue for quite some time, (Omitted) but Yanase Kiyoshi pointed out that this poem was included under the title "Yori Kojin" in "Kakushibun" (Humorous Poems) (included in "Zoku Gunsho Ruiju"), a collection of humorous poems by Zen monks in the early modern period.
The author's name is not recorded. The opening line is "Mikakuchi Pond Fang Grass Dreams," which is different from "Gousei."
According to Yanase's theory, the title "kojin" means "young monk," and the opening line "shounen" means "a layman's child entrusted to a temple, or a young boy who has left the house and is aiming to become a monk," and also includes the meaning of a young boy who is the object of sexual affection for monks.
Therefore, this poem is said to be a humorous poem telling the young monk, "Your youth grows old quickly, but it is difficult for you to succeed in your studies," so he should waste his youth in homosexuality and learning.
Meanwhile, this poem first appeared as a work by Zhu Xi in a Japanese classical Chinese textbook from the Meiji period. (Omitted) This was a period when the Meiji government was implementing measures to expand school education, and Yanase speculates that textbook compilers, who were looking for suitable teaching materials, may have adopted this poem as a poem by Zhu Xi encouraging learning.
There is a surprising history behind it.
The word "yabai" ("yabai") is another word that has spread in the world with the exact opposite meaning. At some point, it changed into a word with the opposite meaning depending on the context.
1.Dangerous. Inconvenient. Problematic. Puzzling.
2.(Rhetorical) Wonderful. Very good. This usage has been used among young people since around 2000, and is used with the connotation of a nearly universally positive evaluation.
One university professor explains:
"Yabai" becomes a word used when something exceeds one's expectations, and one must judge the situation not by the word itself but by the context. The sentence "This cake is yabai" alone does not tell one whether it is delicious or not, so one must judge by the context before and after. This can be considered a word that follows the tradition of ambiguity in the Japanese language.
It's an easy-to-understand opinion that is sympathetic to young people. I wonder if it's okay to amplify the ambiguity even more than it is now.
For example, if you like sweets and can't stop eating them, but are concerned about the calories, it would make sense to express the conflict as "yabai."
"Sugoi" is another example of a word that can have opposing meanings depending on the context.
1.Terrifyingly frightening.
2.Absolutely wonderful.
3.Extremely terrible.
The general English translation of "sugoi" is "amazing," which seems to cover both good and bad aspects. On the other hand, the Google translation of "yabai" itself is "terrible."
If one word has opposing meanings, it may be difficult for foreigners learning Japanese.