ADSLから光回線に変えたのは、『あの病気』の感染が拡大した2020年だった。自宅のインターネット回線をWindows updateなどで、大容量のデータ伝送を行うのに、数MbpsのADSLでは時間がかかりすぎるようになったのだ。
アーリーアダプター(Early adaptor)という言葉がある。
アーリーアダプターとは、1962年にアメリカ・スタンフォード大学の社会学者 エベレット・M・ロジャース教授(Everett M. Rogers)によって提唱されたイノベーター理論における5つのグループの1つ。
Autumn is a time of price hikes. Hey, fiber optic charges and water bills are going to go up too.
Although I started using data communications for my home PC not too late, I used a telephone line modem for a long time. Then, when the price of ADSL dropped, I switched to it. I switched from ADSL to fiber optic in 2020, when the infection of "that disease" spread. The ADSL of a few Mbps was taking too long to transmit large amounts of data on my home internet line for Windows updates, etc.
I use a service called "NURO Hikari." It is a shared type in an apartment building, so the speed is only a few tens of Mbps, but it is not a problem for my usage.
There is a word called "early adaptor."
I can think of people who immediately buy the new iPhone when it comes out. Or maybe people who line up at the bank to get new banknotes when they are released.
According to this classification, I am a Laggard.
"It will not be targeted for marketing" is a harsh thing to say. Of course, it makes sense, since I switched at a stage when the price was unlikely to go any lower. Well, it's been four years since I started using the fiber optic line, and the price has remained the same. However, starting in October, the price will go up by 450 yen.
NTT East's FLET'S Hikari is also planning to raise its prices for the first time since it began service in 2001.
From October, the prices of many things will increase.
Water bills will also go up.
It will be tough for pensioners.
Life for the families of Ashinaga scholarship recipients is even tougher.
Title image taken from "What are early adopters? An explanation of innovator theory and success stories" by MACROMILL.