今から30年ほど前、アメリカのルイジアナ州で、16歳の日本人留学生が射殺される事件が起きた。この時、発砲者は、「フリーズ(Freeze 日本語で「動くな」の意)」と警告したという。
"to stop moving suddenly and stay completely still and quiet"
Would Kamala yell "Freeze!" if a stranger entered her property?
NHK's "Catch! Top News of the World" program interviewed New Yorkers about whether Harris could become president. One of them said that being a woman would be a bigger obstacle for Harris than being black. That prediction may have been correct.
Harris' statement that she owns a gun was likely intended to demonstrate that she is no less than a man.
About 30 years ago, a 16-year-old Japanese student was shot and killed in Louisiana, USA. The shooter reportedly warned, "Freeze" (which means "don't move" in Japanese).
Longman Dictionary of English says "freeze" as "to stop moving suddenly and stay completely still and quiet," so it seems that freeze is used as an imperative form in this sense.
When I looked up "freeze" in the Reader's English-Japanese Dictionary, it was defined as "to stay still and not move, to stop moving", but when I looked up "freeze" in the Genius English-Japanese Dictionary, this meaning was not listed.
If Japanese students studying abroad today were told "Freeze!" in America, would they immediately know that it meant "don't move"?
The title photo is from Wikipedia: A Glock 30 automatic pistol. It is made mostly of plastic and weighs 560g. It looks like a toy, but it fires real 9mm bullets.