



「アルコール依存症になって:11 病の本質知り、断酒決意」朝日新聞、2022年2月8日




「アルコール依存症になって:12 退院、家族とは一時別居」朝日新聞、2022年2月8日














※※このフレーズは、イーグルスの『ホテル・カリフォルニア』の一節を思いおこさせる。He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty-nine”

Can newspaper reporters not help but drink?

The Asahi Shimbun carried a series of articles titled "Becoming an Alcoholic.

There are more than 3 million patients and suspected addicts in Japan, but only about 130,000 are connected to medical care. Most people do not receive treatment, even though the disease can kill them if they continue to drink.

Alcoholics Anonymous: 11," Asahi Shimbun, February 8, 2022.

The consumption of alcohol outside the home may have decreased because of "that disease". But maybe  the number of alcoholics have not decreased.

In reading this series of articles, it appears that the newspaper workplace has a high affinity for alcoholic beverages, i.e., It seems to be common sense that newspaper reporters have a hard time working and can't help being alcoholic.

I said "I am very sorry for my sudden and long absence. I was hospitalized for alcoholism. I also sincerely apologize for my absence during the important general election." and  bowed my head. The assembled reporters applauded and gave me a ballpoint pen and a collection of letters as a memento. A farewell party was held without any alcohol. We drank oolong tea and soft drinks and ate snacks. Everyone asked me if I was all right and wished me well.

"Alcoholics Anonymous: 12 Discharged from hospital, temporarily separated from family," Asahi Shimbun, February 8, 2022.

What a friendly workplace! Is it inevitable that reporter drinks too much and increase the workload of those around them?

The writer of the Asahi Shimbun's Tenseijingo also seems to love drinking.

Declining demand from food service operators due to the coronavirus pandemic was causing a milk glut, which was further aggravated when schools entered the end-of-year period and New Year's holiday break. No school meant zero milk demand for school meals.
Panicked dairy industry lobby groups issued an SOS, pleading with consumers to help avoid discarding the surplus milk by drinking it more than usual or using it more extensively in cooking.

"VOX POPULI: Dairy industry’s SOS shows one way to prevent mass food waste"Asahi Shimbun, January 7, 2022.

This is a serious subject when you read it here, but this is the end of the text on the subject.

I've heard before that warm milk helps when you are tense and having trouble falling asleep, such as when preparing for school entrance exams. And it must be milk, not warm sake. 


The end result is disappointing. The examinees are generally under 20 years old. Why does  he mention hot sake ? *
This is extremely insensitive. As I have written again and again, isn't this a problem peculiar to the male generation that writes Tenseijingo?

In fact, there are even young izakaya(Japanese-style pubs) waiters who don't even know what "hot sake" is.

At izakaya, I realized that people are moving away from sake. When I asked for hot sake, the waiter said, 'We don't have canned sake. Only bottles.**

"Do you like sake?" Asahi Shimbun, January 15, 2022

The title photo is taken from a September 6, 2021 article by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Domestic liquor market shrinking; drinking habits are a factor in market change". The generational differences are obvious in this graph.

What do foreigners think when reading the English translation of this article? They may think that Japan is a paradise for drinkers.

This phrase reminds me of a line from "Hotel California" sung by the Eagles.
"He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty-nine”"
