すさまじき大人たち。老いたトランプ氏。Trump Trampled under foot
Trump Trampled under foot
タイトル写真は、「トランプ氏、負けたら次は「出馬しない」 勝てば最高齢の大統領に」毎日新聞,2024/9/23
Terrible adults. Old Trump trampled under foot
Before the spread of "that disease," I saw people behaving strangely.
A man groping around on the shelves at a supermarket
A woman at the gym taking more than 10 tissues from the supplies and stuffing them in her bag
A man on the train making a loud noise by banging his bag while telling people to be quiet
A woman at the supermarket kicking a shopping basket off the floor and carrying it to the register
A man with suspicious eyes who coughs up phlegm as he passes by
A man leaving blood on the toilet bowl in a public restroom
Since I no longer commute to work and have fewer opportunities to go out, I've encountered fewer weirdos these days.
Also, I hope that we won't see Trump's red face on TV again for the next four years.
Will he be able to serve as president for four years?
Trump Trampled under foot
This is just a pun. It has no meaning.
According to Wikipedia, in the 2016 presidential election between Clinton and Trump, American voters gave Clinton 2.86 million more votes than Trump.
But it was Trump who became president. Perhaps it's the electoral college system, which is unique to the United States, or perhaps to each state, that led to this irrational outcome.
This is one of the mysteries of the United States.
Title photo: "If I lose, I will not run again; if he wins, he will be the oldest president," Mainichi Shimbun, 2024/9/23