
由らしむべし知らしむべからず(The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it.)
そうして民は冥いものであるゆえに、「正道を以って之れに教うれば、必ず従わん。如し其 の本来を知らば、則ち暴なる者は或いは軽んじて行わず」。
また朱子の新注によれば、政府の施政方針は、人民の全部が、その理由を知ることが理想であるが、 それはなかなかむつかしい。
論語 泰伯第八の九 民は之に由らしむべし、之れを知らしむべからず。
について、吉川 幸次郎はこのように解説しています(『論語』角川書店kindle版2020年)。
今の政治のありさまを見て、この言葉を思い出しました。根拠もなく、「安心安全」を呪文のように繰り返すのは、いわゆる選挙カーで、候補者の名前を連呼する行為とほとんど変わりません。2021年6月19日 日刊ゲンダイ「「安心安全とは?」の本紙質問に橋本組織委会長の“迷回答”」など、枚挙にいとまがありません。
河野太郎行政改革相のワクチン在庫に関する説明もそうです。2021年7月10日付 朝日新聞「職域接種、なぜ一時停止に? 河野氏の説明、混乱に拍車」
とうとう、彼は謝罪する羽目になりました。2021年7月10日付 朝日新聞 「在庫4000万回分」に首長反発 ワクチン巡り混乱、河野氏は陳謝
彼は人を責めるのは得意だが、守勢に回ると、未熟さが顕著に現れます。(2021年7月16日 日刊ゲンダイ 「河野大臣の見苦しい変節ぶり 「情報公開を」と吠えていた男がワクチン調達“隠蔽”指摘に逆ギレ!」)
新空港の建設地は、河野が死亡した4か月後に運輸省案の『富里八街空港』に一旦内定するが、河野の介入もあって政府部内での意見調整に時間が費やされた結果、地元との調整が全く行われていなかったために、現地での大規模な反対運動を招いた[10]。これらを受けて、翌1966年に空港規模を縮小したうえで、約4 km北東に移動して国有地や公有地が多い成田市三里塚に決定した。
全く、困った家系です。やはり日本は世襲議員が多いので、親や祖父たちの愚かなふるまい方を受け継ぐ確率が高いのでしょうか。2019年11月15日付 DIAMONDO ONLINEの「出口治明との質疑応答15なぜ、日本だけ、世界でも突出して世襲議員が多いのか?」を見ると、
あるいは、説明するのが面倒くさいからかもしれませんが、その源流をたどれば、小泉純一郎氏のいわゆる「ワンフレーズ政治」に行きつくように思います。2009年3月 兵庫県立大学人文論集 瀬良晴子「小泉元首相の言葉 - ワンフレーズ・ポリティックスと演説 -」は、今となっては懐かしい言葉を列挙しています。当時の彼は自信に満ち溢れていていました。
タイトル英訳は、The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) (p.27). Kindle 版 より引用。吉川 幸次郎氏の紹介した、何晏の古注 に近い英訳だと思う。
The Master said, 'The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it.'
The people should be made to obey the government's policy.
In fact, Zheng Xuan's commentary in the Han dynasty, for example, interpreted the article as such.
In fact, Zheng Xuan's commentary in the Han Dynasty interpreted the text in the same way, saying that the word "yi" in "可使由之" means "to follow," and even replacing the word "min" with the word "mei," which has the same consonant and means "darkness.
Because the people are dark, he says, "If you teach them the right way, they will surely follow you. But if they know their true nature, they will not act violently or with disregard.
This is Zheng Xuan's theory as read in the new manuscripts. However, other commentaries do not necessarily agree.
First of all, according to the ancient commentary of tranquil tranquility, the people follow the laws of man without knowing it.
Therefore, it is possible to make the people obey them, but it is difficult to make them clearly realize the reasons for what they are doing without knowing it.
According to Zhu Xi's new commentary, the ideal is for all the people to know the reasons for the government's policies, but this is difficult to achieve.
It is difficult to explain to all the people the reasons for the government's policies, even if they can be made to follow them.
The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it.
(The Analects of Confucius, Kadokawa Shoten Kindle Edition, 2020).
I learned that there is a wide range of interpretation of this famous verse. There is a big difference between saying, "There is no need to explain the reason for the current policy" and saying, "It is difficult to explain.
I was reminded of the phrase when I saw the current state of politics. Repeating "safety and security" as if it were an incantation without evidence is almost the same as calling out the names of candidates in so-called campaign cars. The list goes on and on.
The same can be said of Administrative Reform Minister Taro Kono's explanation of the vaccine inventory, as seen in the Asahi Shimbun, July 10, 2021, "Why the temporary suspension of vaccinations in the workplace? Kono's explanation adds to the confusion.
"At the end of June, 13.7 million doses of Moderna vaccine were in supply. "As of the end of June, 13.7 million doses of Moderna vaccine had been supplied," said Kono, revealing the actual amount of Moderna vaccine supplied, which had been kept secret until now. It had been more than 10 days since the suspension of vaccination at the workplace, which was the source of the confusion.
In October last year, the government signed a contract with Moderna to supply 50 million doses of the vaccine. According to the announcement by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare at the time, the government was supposed to receive 40 million doses by the end of June this year and the remaining 10 million doses by the end of September. In fact, by the end of June, only about a third of the 40 million doses had been received.
At last, he had to apologize. 2021 July 10 Asahi Shimbun: Emir reacts to "40 million doses in stock"; Kono apologizes for confusion over vaccine
He's good at blaming others, but when he's on the defensive, his immaturity shows. (July 16, 2021, Nikkan Gendai, "Minister Kono's unseemly antics: The man who barked for 'information disclosure' retorts to the suggestion of a vaccine procurement 'cover-up'!
By the way, according to wikipedia, his grandfather, Ichiro Kono, is the one who caused the Narita Airport construction dispute.
However, due to Kono's intervention, a lot of time was spent on adjusting the opinions within the government department, and as a result, there was no coordination with the local community, which led to a massive opposition movement in the area [10]. In response to these problems, the decision was made the following year in 1966 to reduce the size of the airport and move it about 4 km northeast to Sanrizuka, Narita City, where there are many national and public lands.
It's a completely troubled family. After all, there are many hereditary lawmakers in Japan, so is there a high probability of inheriting the stupid behavior of parents and grandfathers? Looking at DIAMONDO ONLINE's "Questions and Answers with Haruaki Deguchi 15 Why are there so many hereditary members in Japan and around the world?" Dated November 15, 2019,
"It is said that more than 50 percent of the politicians in Japan are hereditary members of the Diet. Japan seems to be the only country in the world with such a large number of hereditary legislators. In most developed countries, such as the G7, the percentage of hereditary members in the Diet is said to be less than 10%."
However, a network search on the situation of hereditary succession did not turn up any reliable statistics, so I could not corroborate the figures raised by Mr. Deguchi.
I guess politicians take the interpretation that they don't need to explain the reasons for their policies.
It may be because they are too lazy to explain, but I think the origin of this trend can be traced back to the so-called "one-phrase politics" of Junichiro Koizumi. March 2009, University of Hyogo Humanities Review, Haruko Sera, "Former Prime Minister Koizumi's Words: One-phrase Politics and speeches -" provides a list of words that I miss now. At the time, he was full of confidence.
No growth without reform
Structural reform without sanctuary
Reform with pain
The Trinity of Reforms
Privatization of the Postal Service is the key to reform
From the government to the private sector
Let the people do what the people can do
He also called those who opposed the reform "resistance forces," which is another example of one phrase.
To add to this, Mr. Koizumi said, "I was moved!" when he watched the grand sumo tournament. It is another example. By the way, he has not said anything about the disastrous situation of the postal privatization that he promoted. Doesn't anyone listen to him?