上の表は、2021年版『日本のクレジット統計』日本クレジット協会、2022年6月発行 から引用した、クレジットカード不正利用被害の発生状況である。
タイトルの表は、2021年版『日本のクレジット統計』日本クレジット協会、2022年6月発行 から引用した、クレジットカードの契約総数である。2021年時点で、クレジットカード契約は2億7千件となっている。
Things to keep in mind when managing credit cards
I have submitted 199 articles so far. Of those, this is the most read article.
However, there has been no response at all. I am not sure if this article is helpful or not.
I found this article the other day.
This is an article by a Nikkei Crosstech reporter about unauthorized use of her and her family's credit cards.
The article does not mention the name of the credit card company.
In addition, the usage statement says that he was shopping at a German store, but he could not find out why it happened.
According to the 2021 edition of "Japan's Credit Statistics" published by the Japan Credit Association, the total damage caused by fraudulent use of credit cards in 2021 was 33 billion yen, which is higher than 25.3 billion yen in 2020. As I wrote in this article, the damage amount of the special fraud in 2021 was 28.2 billion yen. Credit card-related damage may be included in the special fraud, so it cannot be simply added, but it must be a large amount.
By the way, the reporter noticed this fraudulent charge while trying to reduce the number of credit cards he had. I think there are 10 more. This is the lesson he learned. I think it's justified.
The title table shows the total number of credit card contracts quoted from the 2021 edition of "Japanese Credit Statistics" published by the Japan Credit Association in June 2022. As of 2021, there are 270 thousand credit card contracts.