坂井委員 あなたはコーチャン氏と一緒に日本航空、全日空、東亜国内航空、この航空三社いずれかにお行きになったことはございませんか。あるいは、その関係者とお会いになったことはございませんか。
小佐野証人 記憶がありません。
坂井委員 全くないと、ここで断言できるでしょうか。
小佐野証人 記憶はございません。
坂井委員 会ったかもわからないという含みを持った御答弁でしょうか。話の内容については、まだ触れておりません。会ったか会わないかということについて、少なくとも記憶の中にはあるはずでありますから、お答えをいただきたい、こういうことであります。
小佐野証人 いや、全く私は記憶ありません。
坂井委員 東亜国内航空の関係者とお会いになりませんか。
小佐野証人 記憶がありませんが。
タイトル写真は、ウィキペディア「ロッキード L-1011 トライスター」より引用。ロッキード事件で有名になった機体である。ウィキペディアによると、全日空が1974年から1995年まで運行した。また、ロッキード社は日本だけでなく多数の国で機種選定にからむ贈賄を行なっていた。
The "I don't remember" answer was released in Japan in 1976.
I don't remember.
When Kenji Osano, who is considered the most important witness at the House of Representatives Budget Committee, was subpoenaed, he repeatedly made these statements, which meant that he did not give substantive answers to the questions while avoiding perjury or refusing to testify. From then on, other witnesses began to use similar words frequently.
The origin of the phrase "I don't remember clearly," which I wrote about in this article, was Kenji Osano's response during the interrogation of witnesses in the Lockheed bribery scandals. Perhaps because the questioner was confused by this answer, his questioning was poor and he was unable to extract anything important from the witness.
Committee member Sakai: Have you ever traveled with Mr. Kochan to any of the three airlines, Japan Airlines, All Nippon Airways, and Toa Domestic Airlines? Or have you ever met anyone involved?
Witness Osano: I have no recollection.
Committee member Sakai: Can we definitively state that there is no such thing?
Witness Osano: I have no recollection.
Commissioner Sakai: Is your answer implying that you don't know if they even met? I haven't mentioned the content of the story yet. As for whether or not we met, I'm sure you have it in your memory at least, so I'd like to hear your answer.
Witness Osano: No, I don't remember it at all.
Commissioner Sakai: Have you met with anyone related to Toa Domestic Airlines?
Witness Osano: I don't remember.
Nearly 50 years later, this answer is still being used as the ultimate weapon by criminals. When someone says that they have forgotten what happened three years ago, that person usually loses credibility. However, in a world where such people can survive, there are probably only such people.
Kakuei Tanaka has not been called to testify as a witness before the House of Representatives Budget Committee regarding the Lockheed incident.
Kenji Osano is listed as a "most important reference person" on Wikipedia, but he is listed as a witness in the minutes. Also, unlike the other witnesses, Mr. Osano is the only one without a title. In response to questions, he answered that he held some positions at "Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., Nippon Denken Co., Ltd., Hokkaido Isuzu Co., Ltd., Yamanashi Kotsu, Yamako Department Store, and other companies." He has also stated that he is not an employee of ANA, but is a guest of the company.
Mr. Osano was no ordinary person.
The title photo is taken from Wikipedia "Lockheed L-1011 Tristar". This aircraft became famous due to the Lockheed bribery scandals. According to Wikipedia, All Nippon Airways operated it from 1974 to 1995. In addition, Lockheed was involved in bribery related to model selection not only in Japan but in many other countries. The Lockheed bribery scandals also occurred outside of Japan.