


ソース: Bing との会話 2023/5/18
(1) アベノマスク - Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/アベノマスク.
(2) 日本の「コロナ予算」をデータで検証 “アベノマスク”を巡る .... https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/covid19-money/post/index01.html.
(3) 「アベノマスク」など5億円かけ5月末までに配布 730万枚処分へ .... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ4161C6Q41UTFL00F.html.




ソース: Bing との会話 2023/5/18
(1) アベノマスク、配送開始 費用は3億5000万円―厚労省:時事 .... https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2022040101115&g=soc.
(2) 「アベノマスク」の単価は143円 黒塗り非公表の文書で黒塗りし .... https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/tateiwayoichiro/20200928-00200337.
(3) 辻󠄀元清美 on Twitter: "3/1の予算委員会で質問した、アベノ .... https://twitter.com/tsujimotokiyomi/status/1635853863445229568.
(4) アベノマスクの単価はいくら? 「黒塗り」で開示した国の対応 .... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR2Q62KQR2PPTIL017.html.
(5) 「アベノマスク」など5億円かけ5月末までに配布 730万枚処分へ .... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ4161C6Q41UTFL00F.html.






タイトル写真は、「アベノマスク、単価開示へ  国控訴せず敗訴確定」埼玉新聞、2023/3/15より引用

I asked Bing whether "Abenomask was helpful"

A long time ago, a thing called Abenomask was sent to the people. I asked Bing if this helped.

Abenomask is a common name for gauze cloth masks distributed in Japan from April 2020 during the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)¹. The government spent about 26 billion yen to distribute two masks to every household, but it was criticized for being less effective than non-woven masks¹². It is necessary to verify whether the Abenomask was useful from the perspective of infection prevention and economic effects. However, of the approximately 126 million copies distributed, approximately 7.3 million were discarded unused³. This indicates that demand for Abenomasks was low.
Did you use Abenomask?
What do you think about Abenomask?
Source: Conversation with Bing 2023/5/18 (1) Abenomask - Wikipedia. .... https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/covid19-money/post/index01.html.(3) Disposal of 7.3 million masks by the end of May at a cost of 500 million yen such as "Abenomask" To .... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ4161C6Q41UTFL00F.html.


Next, I asked Bing about the cost of Abenomasks, why the government didn't disclose them until ordered by the court.

The government did not disclose the cost of Abenomasks until ordered by a court. The why is the question about government intentions and decisions. I'm not a government representative, so I can't give you an exact answer as to why. However, the information on the cost of Abenomask is as follows. The purchase cost of the Abenomask was approximately 44,330,280,000 yen, and the postage cost was approximately 5,907,160,000 yen¹. A document disclosed by the government revealed that the unit price of Abenomask was 143 yen from some vendors². A simple calculation shows that the unit price and the number of Abenomasks procured is 125.1 yen on average, the number of sheets is 320 million, and the total cost is about 44.26 billion yen (including consumption tax)³. The following are possible reasons why the government did not disclose the cost of Abenomasks. The government was unable to disclose the cost due to the contract with the company that procured the Abenomask⁴. If the government disclosed the cost of Abenomasks, they feared that they would be criticized for being less effective and less cost-effective than non-woven masks or cloth masks from other countries²⁴. If the government disclosed the cost of Abenomasks, there was a possibility that the public would demand refunds or compensation⁴.
Source: Conversation with Bing 2023/5/18(1) Abenomask, delivery start cost 350 million yen - Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: current affairs .... https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k =2022040101115&g=soc.(2) The unit price of "Abenomask" is 143 yen. (3) Tsujimotokiyomi on Twitter: "Abeno asked a question at the budget committee on 3/1. https://twitter.com/tsujimotokiyomi/status/1635853863445229568.(4) How much is the unit price of Abenomask? Countermeasures of the country disclosed in "black painting" .... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR2Q62KQR2PPTIL017.html. To .... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ4161C6Q41UTFL00F.html.


All of them were nonsensical answers. For Bing, Abenomask is an easy area to answer, maybe.

According to a family member who recently visited the Kansai region, there were more people who did not wear masks than in the Kanto region. When I searched on the internet, I found the results of a questionnaire by prefecture about the ratio of those who did not wear a mask after March.

There was no list for all prefectures, but in Osaka Prefecture, more people took off their masks than the national average. Also, when comparing Okinawa Prefecture and Hiroshima Prefecture, there is a three-fold difference. What is the reason for this? Unfortunately, that analysis was not included in this research report.

The title photo reads, "The court ordered the disclosure of the unit price of Abenomask. The executive branch did not appeal and the loss was finalized.” Saitama Shimbun, quoted from March 15, 2023
