
選択的夫婦別姓 :自民党はスポンサーと票田のどちらを選択するか








経団連が夫婦別姓要望 自民党が壁を越える時だ」毎日新聞,2024/2/11






Optional separate surnames for married couples: Should the LDP choose sponsors or voters?

I wrote this article before.

The member of the House of Councillors was delighted to see the following textbook in the textbook: "This textbook is provided free of charge with taxpayers' money, with the hope that you will be the ones who will lead Japan in the future. Please use it carefully."
Along with other Diet members, she is opposed to optional separate surnames for married couples.

But can they continue to oppose it forever?

I support the introduction of a selective system of separate surnames for married couples. I have heard of problems such as issues arising when traveling abroad due to a mismatch between the legal name on a passport and the maiden name, and research papers published under a maiden name not being recognized after a surname change. I would like the government to consider introducing this system as the first step in measures to promote women's participation in the workforce and diverse working styles.

"Summary of Chairman Tokura's remarks at the regular press conference," Japan Business Federation, February 13, 2024

We live in an age where the chairman of the Japan Business Federation supports optional separate surnames for married couples.

According to the Ministry of Justice, Japan is the only country where married couples are required by law to have the same surname. Couples can choose either surname, but in about 95% of cases, the woman changes her surname. In recent years, there have been an increasing number of cases where people are allowed to use their maiden name as their common name even after marriage. However, this does not fundamentally solve the problem.
Companies have complained to the Japan Business Federation about specific problems, such as "Because the business name I use as our common name is different from the name on our passport, I cannot pass through the gates of public facilities overseas, I have been refused accommodation at hotels," and "I am sometimes not even allowed to sign contracts."
In the case of researchers, achievements such as papers published under their maiden name will not be recognized after they change their name upon marriage, which could hinder their career development.
Some financial institutions do not allow people to open deposit accounts under their maiden name.
The administrative and psychological burden of having to use two surnames weighs heavily on women.
The problem is not limited to work and life. A name is an individual's identity. Many people feel a sense of self-loss, as if changing their surname would negate or erase the achievements and lives they have built.
The Legislative Council, an advisory body to the Minister of Justice, recommended the introduction of optional separate surnames for married couples in 1996, but politics has not moved for more than a quarter of a century. Not only the opposition parties but also the Komeito Party are in favor of it. Despite this, the Liberal Democratic Party, mainly conservatives, are opposed to it, saying that it would "undermine family unity." Prime Minister Fumio Kishida simply replies as if it is someone else's problem, saying, "It relates to the very foundation of what a family should be," and "It is important to have constructive discussions in the Diet, including the specific form of the system."
A nationwide household trend survey conducted by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research in 2022 showed that 61% of people supported optional separate surnames for married couples.

"Keidanren requests separate surnames for married couples; it's time for the LDP to overcome the barrier," Mainichi Shimbun, 2024/2/11

In fact, interpreter Torikai Kumiko is also struggling.

When I received an emergency call from my university during a business trip to the UK, the hotel I was staying at replied that there was no one named Torikai staying there, and it took a while for the call to reach me. My surname also caused problems at Heathrow Airport, and when I explained to the official that "in Japan, married couples are not allowed to have different surnames," he sympathized and said, "That must be inconvenient." In my doctoral diploma from a UK university, my legal name was written as my middle name, but in English-speaking countries, my maiden name and my husband's surname are often hyphenated. In Korea, married couples have different surnames, and in Spain, people often use multiple surnames, not just those of their parents, but of their ancestors.

"Separate surnames for married couples" Nihon Keizai Shimbun, May 7, 2024

Should the LDP choose big sponsors or voting bases?

The title photo is taken from "64% in favor of optional separate surnames for married couples," Tokyo Shimbun, August 25, 2022. This survey was conducted online in July 2022, targeting a total of 1,000 people, 500 working men and women aged 20-59. "32.3% of people want to have different surnames and accept the optional separate surnames for married couples system, while 31.7% want to have the same surname but accept the system, for a total of 64.0% who accept it."
