「続編の方がたいていひどい。」(we all know that the sequel is usually worse.)というくだりは、観客に大うけである。
数年前の記事だが、これによると、「1作目より2作目の評判が高い確率:30.6% 1作目より3作目の評判が高い確率:10.3%」だそうだ。
タイトル写真は、「オバマ元大統領「Yes she can」…民主党大会でミシェル夫人とともにハリス氏支持を訴え」読売新聞,2024/8/21より引用
"We all know that the sequel is usually worse." Obama says in slamming Trump as he seeks a second term
In August, the Democratic National Convention was held at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. The United Center is the home stadium of the professional basketball team, the Chicago Bulls, and has a capacity of about 22,000 people.
Seven years after leaving the White House, Obama remains a key figure in the Democratic Party and was quick to endorse Harris after President Biden announced just one month ago his decision to end his bid for a second term in the White House.
A video of the Democratic National Convention shows that Obama is still popular among Democratic supporters. When he took the stage after his wife, the crowd cheered for several seconds.
His speech begins at about 1 hour and 52 minutes into the video of the Democratic National Convention. His voice sometimes cracks, perhaps because he is excited, but the way he uses his fingers during the speech is skillful.
In his speech in support of Kamala Harris, he says the following (at about 2 hours and 1 minute into the video):
"We do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos. We have seen that movie before, and we all know that the sequel is usually worse," he said. "America is ready for a new chapter. America is ready for a better story. We are ready for a President Kamala Harris."
"We all know that the sequel is usually worse."" was a big hit with the audience. America is a country that makes a buck out of anything, so this T-shirt begins immediately sold. This one costs $15!
However, Obama served two terms as president. For those who dislike Obama, this speech could be a good target for attack. In that sense, it was a presumptuous speech.
But he is a thing of the past. He no longer has political opponents. He is no longer insulted with "Shame on you, Barack Obama."
One of the things he did as president was kill Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, as the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military.
The other was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for "outstanding efforts to promote international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples."
After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, did he achieve anything worthy of it?
By the way, is it true that "sequels (of movies) are usually worse"?
I've seen a few movies that were made into sequels after the first film was a hit. Some sequels I thought were good, and some I didn't. But what about in general?
According to an article from a few years ago, "the probability that the second film is more highly regarded than the first is 30.6%, and the probability that the third film is more highly regarded than the first is 10.3%."
It seems that it will be difficult for the sequel to receive better reviews than the first one.
The title photo is from the Yomiuri Shimbun, "Former President Obama: 'Yes she can'... Appealing for Harris with First Lady Michelle Obama at the Democratic Convention," 2024/8/21.