




「「夏休みの友」発行激減 期間短縮で採用校半分に」下野新聞、2020年7月25日






「文科省調査 教員不足1591校で」朝日新聞、2022年1月31日 



「岐阜県内、教員33人不足 公立小中高と特別支援学校」岐阜新聞、2022年6月24日










The thick-skinned homework who calls himself a "summer friend" or making a  report of experiment or observation or research etc.. where students can freely choose the theme

When I was in elementary school, a workbook called "Summer Vacation Friends" was one of my summer homework assignments. I think it was about 20-30 pages of problems. Depending on the region, the name is different, but according to this article, there are places that do not have this at all.
There was an article about "Summer Vacation Friends" in Tochigi Prefecture in 2020 (the title photo is also quoted from here).

Due to the drastic shortening of summer vacation this year, many schools have reduced their homework, so the number of schools that hand out "summer vacation friends" to their students has plummeted to about half. This year, in line with the implementation of the new Courses of Study, more than 100 teachers and staff members of the prefecture have completely revised the content and increased the number of pages for all grades.

"Decrease in Issuance of 'Summer Vacation Friends' Shortening the period to half the number of schools adopting it" Shimotsuke Shimbun, July 25, 2020

Also, according to this article, in Gifu Prefecture, "Summer Vacation Friends" has been published for more than 70 years without change due to the passion of teachers. However, in Gifu Prefecture, reading is the main focus. Editing know-how is also accumulated.

The editorial committee is made up of about 50 current elementary and junior high school principals, vice principals, and teachers. The contents are reviewed little by little, and the children's works and essays to be posted are all replaced every year. Teachers are divided into 7 areas: summary, reading, local reading, family area, treasure, study, and cover, and the booklet is also composed of 7 areas. Major revisions were made over time, and at first, most of the pages were devoted to study and composition, but in 1974, the contents were divided into fields such as health, research, and play. It was composed separately and edited with the children's interests and interests in mind. As a guidebook for summer vacation, it has become a reading material, and currently about 20% of the 88-92 pages are for study.

"Summer vacation homework 'Natsu no Tomo'  unique to Gifu and continued for over 70 years." Gifu Shimbun, July 25, 2022

However, I think that the burden on teachers who are in charge of such work in addition to their main work is not small. This is because, as you can see from this article, there is a shortage of teachers.

This year, 1,591 schools, or 4.8% of all public elementary and junior high schools, high schools, and special needs schools, are experiencing a shortage of teachers and cannot meet the number of teachers that should be assigned to the school. That's what the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology found out.

"Survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: At 1591 schools with a shortage of teachers," Asahi Shimbun, January 31, 2022

In fact, according to this article, there is a shortage of teachers in Gifu prefecture as well.

As of May 1, there was a shortage of 13 elementary school teachers, 3 junior high school teachers, 13 high school teachers, and 4 special needs schools. As of April, there were 41 people, and the number of shortages decreased, but it increased by 6 from 27 as of May 1, last year.

"Gifu Prefecture, 33 teachers shortage: public elementary, junior high and high schools and special needs schools" Gifu Shimbun, June 24, 2022

I think we live in an era where we can no longer rely on the “passion” of individual teachers. I think that the significance of existence of "Summer Vacation Friends" should be confirmed every year.

And when I was in elementary school, there were many other things to do, such as paintings, handicrafts, reading reports, report of experiment or observation or research, and summer vacation homework.

For making report, I once relied on the appendix of "Gakken no Kagaku". Each student presented their “research” results on a large sheet of paper.

Gakken no Kagaku has long since ceased publication. However, Gakken has issued a special issue to meet the demand for summer vacation, and it seems to have a good reputation.

On the other hand, this article says :

Observations and experiments in class have decreased compared to before the pandemic. In a school survey conducted at the same time, elementary schools that conducted observations and experiments at least once a week in science classes decreased by 16.2 points to 44.9%. In junior high school, the percentage decreased by 18.8 points to 45.8%.

“National Achievement Test, Middle School Science Correct Answer Rate Breaks 50%,” Yomiuri Shimbun, July 28, 2022

The wrinkles of "that disease" were gradually appearing to the extent of the experimental experience of science. In that sense, I think it's a good idea to try a science experiment that you can do at home during the summer vacation.

If you search for "自由研究" on the Internet, you will find multiple articles on candidate research themes. But this also depends on whether the student has an internet connection, as in the previous article.

Both those who teach and those who teach have problems.
