
自宅のネットワーク環境 :ルータとPCの間に中継器を置きました



『あの病気』の感染が拡大した2020年には、まだADSLを使っていたが、在宅勤務を始めたこともあり、光回線に変えた。光回線サービスの料金は始まった頃と比べるとかなり下がってきて、今使っているnuroは、電話機能を含めて3700円である。NTTの固定電話料金とADSL料金の合計金額と比べてそれほど変わらない。それに速度がADSLではせいぜい1Mbps程度だったのが、光回線では10Mbps以上、速い時30Mbpsになり、Windows updateにかかる時間も早くなった。

ただ、私の作業場所は、光回線のwifiルータの設置場所から10m以上離れていて、電波が届きにくい時もある。そのため、前に買ってあった、BUFFALO 社のwifiルータ(タイトル写真)を中継器として使うことにした(具体的には、この機器のブリッジ機能をオンにした)。




※ISDNは、リリースされた当初は「いったいそれで何するの」とか「I Still Don't kNow」の略だとか言われたのだった。

Home network environment: A repeater was placed between the router and the PC.

I forgot when I first bought my PC. I think I bought it at a store called "Rocket" in Akihabara, which is no longer there.

I experienced three kinds of communication means such as public line modem connection, ADSL, and optical line.

In 2020, when the infection of "that disease" spread, I was still using ADSL, but since I started working from home, I changed to an optical line.

The price of the optical line service has dropped considerably compared to when it started, and the nuro service I am using now is 3700 yen including the telephone function. It is not so different from the total amount of NTT fixed line charges and ADSL charges. In addition, the speed was about 1 Mbps at most in ADSL, but it became 10 Mbps or more in the optical line and 30 Mbps in the fast time, and the time required for Windows update became faster.

However, my work place is more than 10m away from the place where the optical line wifi router is installed, and sometimes it is difficult for radio waves to reach. Therefore, I decided to use the BUFFALO wifi router (title photo) that I bought before as a repeater (specifically, I turned on the bridge function of this device).

The speed of the repeater varies depending on the place where it is placed, and now it is placed at the entrance of the work place, which is the most effective. When I started using it, it wasn't very effective and I wondered if it was slow because it was an old product, but now it's comfortable to use. If you use a microwave oven placed between the router and the PC, the line speed will slow down, and in the worst case, the line may be cut off, but that is unavoidable.

By the way, for example, with a SoftBank smartphone, if the capacity that can be used that month is exceeded, it will be in a low-speed mode of 128 Kbps. Once you get used to high-speed communication, you will think that you can hardly use it. However, when the service called ISDN started in the 1990s, the line speed was 64Kbps, which we thought was fast enough at that time.(*) 

If I just sent text text or a photo, that was enough, but now it feels slow because a few MB of data jumps when I do any operation.

In addition, the mechanism of using telephone lines for data transmission is still alive and well. I will write about this in another article.

(*)When ISDN was first released in Japan, it was said to be an abbreviation for "What on earth are you going to do with it??" Or "I Still Don't k Now."
