「PayPayカード(株)です。モニタリングによりカードを一時停止しました。詳細はこちら https...」というショートメッセージが来た
I received a short message saying "This is PayPay Card Co., Ltd. The card was suspended due to monitoring. Click here for details https ..."
It's a suspicious short message, but it was real.(*)
I searched the internet for the sender's phone number and found some articles like this.
I'd like to say that I don't have a PayPay card, but from April it was decided that my "Yahoo card" would be switched to a "PayPay card".
This was the first time for me to do this, but it seems that the caller's identity is certain, so I called the phone listed at the instructed url.
Thank you for your continued patronage of PayPal Credit Card Co., Ltd. This e-mail is an urgent notice as it has been determined that your card is likely to have been misused. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us at the following. In addition, we are taking measures to suspend the use of the card. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. PayPay Card Co., Ltd. Security Group 0570-00-×××× (24 hours / open all year round)
When I made the call, "0570's phone number is charged," said Machine Voice first. I was connected to the call center operator without much waiting, but she said she would call me back from the person in charge. About two hours later, I got a call and I heard the explanation.
According to the person in charge, yesterday, someone tried to register your credit card number on some other site, but the safety device worked and the registration was unsuccessful. There was no financial damage to you, but you should change your credit card number, so I'll send you a new PayPay card.
However, the new credit card will arrive a month later, so I was told to change the automatic debit set on my credit card to another payment method. I had only set two, so I changed them that day.
I didn't know who tried to abuse my Yahoo card (PayPay card) number, but I think there are four possibilities below.
Possibility 1. Credit card number leaked from PayPay Card Co., Ltd.
Just then, an article like this appeared, so I checked if my card was subject to misregistration, but it wasn't.
However, the fact that PayPal Credit Card Co., Ltd. made such a mistake may mean that the company made some other mistakes. I'm suspicious because the timing matches. Alternatively, the data in PayPal Credit Card Co., Ltd. may have been stolen by someone.
Possibility 2. A credit card number leaked from a store I bought on a Yahoo shopping site
This may be unlikely, as the article on Yahoo's site says :
In Yahoo! Shopping, if you select "credit card" as the payment method when ordering, the card number will be safely sent to the card company without going through the store to which you ordered. Yahoo! Shopping offers real-time secure credit card payments (not applicable to some stores)
However, I am concerned about the part that "not applicable to some stores".
Possibility 3. The number entered happened to be the same as my card number
I think it's a lottery-like probability, but it may be possible.
Possibility 4. The person who saw my card abused the number
This card has never been taken out and is only used for internet payments, so it is unlikely.
I've considered four possibilities, but one of the first three is possible.
This kind of event comes at the cost of the convenience of a credit card, so it would have been nice to have only the call charges and my hassle. However, as I get older and amazed, it will be difficult to understand the situation. Before that happens, I'll try to reduce the number of credit cards.
(*)I wrote an article "The Merits and Demerits of Short Messages" before. In my case, I rarely receive short messages, and even if they do, I can still judge by looking at the contents, so I have not turned off the reception function. But, for example, most people who have FOMA will not be able to reach the desired screen even if they see DoCoMo's explanation. The operation differs depending on the model, and there are many setting parameters, so they don't know how to set it.
Yet another question is, should credit companies only respond by sending such warnings in short messages? If the user overlooks it, will the credit card company notify the user by other means?