1000日チャレンジ 346日目 シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 1(3)
★『シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法』(柴田元幸/西村義樹/森田修著;アスク出版;2022年)The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 1(1)
◎timid;臆病な(shy and nervous; not brave)、inference;推論(something that you can find out indirectly from what you already know)、gaze;注視する(to look steadily at someone or something for a long time, either because you are very interested or surprised, or because you are thinking of something else)、peculiar;奇妙な(strange or unusual, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying)、introspective;内省的な(tending to think a lot about your own thoughts, feelings, etc.)、foresight;洞察力(the ability to predict what is likely to happen and to use this to prepare for the future)、retrogression;後退(returning to old-fashioned ideas or methods instead of making progress)、cease;終わる、停止する(to stop happening or existing; to stop something from happening or existing)、remonstrance;抗議(a protest or complaint)、sedentary;いつも座っている、デスクワークの(in which you spend a lot of time sitting down)、grizzled;灰色の、白髪交じりの(having hair that is gray or partly gray)、anoint;塗る(to put oil or water on someone's head as part of a religious ceremony)、patent;明白な(used to emphasize that something bad is very clear and obvious)、attain;成し遂げる(to succeed in getting something, usually after a lot of effort)、stupid;愚かな(showing a lack of thought or good judgment)、deduce;推論する(to form an opinion about something based on the information or evidence that is available)、precaution;用心(something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger)
★”On the contrary.”;それどころか、むしろ(used to introduce a statement that says the opposite of the last one)