1000日チャレンジ 357日目 シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 4(2)
★『シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法』(柴田元幸/西村義樹/森田修著;アスク出版;2022年)The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 1(1)
◎shriek;金切り声を出す(to give a loud high shout, for example when you are excited, frightened or in pain)、swear;誓う(to make a serious promise to do something)、sternly;厳格に(in a serious way that often shows that you do not approve of somebody/something; in a way that shows you expect somebody to obey you)、cringe;へつらう、crawl;こびへつらう、parched;乾いた、commission;任務、robbery;強盗、agony;激しい苦痛(extreme physical or mental pain)、seize;捕まえる(to take somebody/something in your hand suddenly and using force)、waddle;よたよたと歩く(to walk with short steps, moving your body from side to side, like a duck)、shed;納屋(a small simple building, usually built of wood or metal, used for keeping things in)、pry;力ずくで開ける(to use force to separate something from something else)、bill;くちばし、gulp;ゴクリと飲み込む
★as if;あたかも~かのように(in a way that suggests something)
★make for;~に向かって突進する(to move towards something)
★get rid of;処分する(to make yourself free of somebody/something that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw something away)
★take - into one's confidence;秘密を打ち明ける
★as good as one's word;必ず約束を守る(to do everything that you promise someone you will)