1000日チャレンジ 355日目 シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 3(4)
★『シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法』(柴田元幸/西村義樹/森田修著;アスク出版;2022年)The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 1(1)
◎endeavour(=endeavor);努める(an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult)、long;(動)待ち望む(to want something very much especially if it does not seem likely to happen soon)、outstretched;いっぱいに広げられた((of parts of the body) stretched or spread out as far as possible)、quiver;震える(to shake slightly; to make a slight movement)、hail;(タクシーなどを)呼び止める(to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop)、sidelong;斜めの((of a look) out of the corner of your eye, especially in a way that is secret or shows that you)、glance;ちらりと、alias;偽名、frightened;おびえた、catastrophe;大惨事(a sudden event that causes many people to suffer)
★in turn;次に、今度は(one after the other in a particular order)
★on the verge of;今にも~しようとして(very near to the moment when somebody does something or something happens)
★claspings and unclaspings;(手を)握ったり、開いたり