
I would like to introduce how the genius Masamune has been evaluated by prominent Japanese sword researchers of the past and present. First, I will start with a book written by Taeko Watanabe, who is also my teacher. Please note that the English text has been translated and modified at DeepL.

1  //日本刀の教科書// (渡邉妙子・住麻紀)
p174 五郎入道正宗





1 //Textbook of Japanese Swords// (Taeko Watanabe and Maki Sumi)
p174 Goro-Nyudo Masamune
Goro Nyudo Masamune was a swordsmith from Kamakura, Sagami Province, in the late Kamakura period (1185-1333), who created a dynamic style that resembled the undulation of a great wave in the ocean. This style differs from the well-defined straight blade of the Awataguchi school of Shintogo Kunimitsu, his master. This style was much favored by Kanto warriors, and was also favored by Nobunaga and Ieyasu during the Momoyama period.
The author attributes this style to the fact that Kunimitsu, had ties to the Kamakura shogunate, which led him to create an enterprising style. Another reason is that Kunimitsu's disciple, Etchu Norishige, had a different training method from the continental style, which was based on the Oshu-Gassan and Mokusa forging traditions. This introduces the fact that the Kamakura Shogunate facilitated the distribution of goods in Japan along with trade with the So Dynasty in China, and procured nails from Echizen.
The carvings on Masamune swords are esoteric and were used in prayers against the Mongolian invaders, and are thought to have been made with strong prayers to defeat the enemy army.
The name of Masamune became widely known to the general public in 1741, when the joruri play "Shin’usuyuki Monogatari" was first performed at the Takemoto-za theater, which became a Kabuki play. The story of Masamune's secret tradition and the affection of the parents who cut off the arm of their own son, Sadamune, brought tears to people's eyes.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
