Ingress Year Nine Reflections
Ingress Updates [ENG] subtitled version:
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(Non-English to English translation by Ingress Updates [ENG])
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(一部 Ingress Updates [ENG] による英語以外から英語への翻訳を入れています。)
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Brian Rose:
Happy Ingress Year 9. Thank you to all agents around the world for coming together playing Ingress and helping to grow the global agent community.
I’m in San Francisco at the site of one of my favorite events, the anomaly at Cupid’s Span. I’m really looking forward to being able to do live events again soon and here’s to a fantastic Ingress year 9.
Hi agents, Thia, and Toasty. Out on one of our local trails working on our Trekker badge. As we come into year 9 of Ingress to celebrate, the team wanted to share some of our memories over the last year and what we’re looking forward to as we go into year 10.
I’ll kick us off.
Even though I’ve only been with Niantic for about 6 months now, I have to say that my favorite memory is being a part of the van’s tour. I know it was only in the US but I got to meet so many agents who shared their stories with me and that has been really honestly the best part and I’m looking forward to next year when we get back out there with more events and meeting even more of you from all over the world.
Michael Romero:
Hello, Ingress agents. I’m Michael Romero, engineering manager for Ingress.
And for Ingress year 9, I just wanted to say that I’m really happy that we were able to take the van out this summer and we were able to visit certain cities in the western US and meet agents. I was thrilled that I was able to go to Salt Lake City and to Denver and here in San Francisco to meet agents and so I want to thank you all for that and I also want to say that in 2022 hopefully if it’s safe and we can, we can have some live events together. Meet you out there, Ingress agents.
? (Scanner engineer):
Hey agents, I’m one of the engineers working on the Ingress client. I started back before I worked here in year 3, and now it’s year 9 already, and I can’t believe it’s been so long. I’m glad to see the game’s still going. I think it’s a really special game and it’s been great to work on. I’m especially excited for how we’re going to evolve the Adventure Sync feature, so please look forward to it.
?: (Translation by Ingress Update [ENG])
One of the best experiences I have playing Ingress was my first anomaly in the year 2018 in Mexico City. I really had no idea where I was going, but my team helped me and told me what to do. We walked a lot and ran a lot more. We defended some portals and destroyed others. What was more important about this experience was that I met people from different parts of the world. What makes this even more awesome is that some of these people are still in contact. I’m still in contact with them and I can consider them my friends.
Shivaun Robinson:
Hello, fellow agents, uh, I’m Agent CordialWombat and I am also your technical program manager on Ingress. I am coming at you live from this not so blank void, uh, that I’m sharing with NL-1331X right now, um, cheers me up every time I use it.
I joined the team, uh, right at the end of year 6, and it’s super cool to be going into year 9. I was thinking about all the cool things we’ve done over that amount of time. Over the last year, I think my favorite thing and while we’ve done a lot of really cool features, I was really excited to actually be able to meet you out there with the minivan tour that we did. I gotta get out of my house. And I gotta get out of the state and I got to go to Portland and chat with some very wonderful agents and talk about badges and medals and missions and all kinds of stuff and it was really great and it was a really good reminder of what our game is all about. And so I’m really looking forward to year 9 and I’m hoping to meet you out there, uh, all again very soon. Thanks so much, take care of yourselves.
Hello agents, reporting from NL-1331X. I’m Agent slackfarmer. I’ve been an Ingress player since July 2014. While in Niantic I’ve helped, ah, I’ve worked on Apex mods, distributed Mission Days, subscriptions, Tecthulu at two different Navarro events and all the interactive electronics in this van.
Why do I love Ingress? Well, when I downloaded this game, this was never just a game. I downloaded a really rich community of lifelong friends and Ingress is a powerful tool that has helped me discover those hidden gems in my environment. Now that we’re in year 9, I’m really looking forward to continuing the mission to make Ingress a forever game and I’m really looking forward to some of the features that haven’t quite landed on the Ingress yet that are sitting on the Lightship platform, but they will be probably added pretty soon. Um, with that I guess I just wanted to say to all the agents, hack the planet!
Jake (?):
Hey agents, this is Jake, aka, Agent Biscuits. I’ve been working as a software dev on Ingress for a very long time. Starting with bringing maps to South Korea and Ingress classic and working through the launch of the Ingress Prime and most recently on portal scanning and curation (kinetic?) features.
I’ve been a player much longer though, since the beginning of the beta back in 2012. Over that time by far my favorite thing about Ingress is meeting the other agents out in the field, hearing all about all of your adventures and commiserating over our love for the game. I’m continually impressed by the dedication that our players have to our game and have loved seeing our player base grow and evolve along with our company and our product and I can’t wait for year 9 and seeing all of you hopefully at the next anomaly or just out in the field. Go Resistance!
(In Japanese)
エージェントのみなさん、こんにちは。Nianticでマーケティングをしている山崎富美と申します。Ingress 9年目を迎えました。本当にみなさんサポートしてくださって、いままでありがとうございました。来年はなんと10周年です。ぜひこれからもIngressを楽しんでいただければと思います。よろしくお願いします。
My name is Fumi Yamazaki. I’m doing marketing at Niantic. Thank you so much for your support for Ingress the past nine years.
So these are some of the photos from 2011 when Japan was hit by an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant accident. Back then I’m doing some crisis response work so that I can help the people who were hit by this natural disaster and these are some of the photos from back then. The places were washed away and people were suffering and also people wanted more people to come so that they can help, or help with the economic recovery.
I happened to open the Ingress scanner in Tohoku, probably in 2013 and it was very early days of Ingress that there were no portals. But I started to think Ingress is a game that moves people and connects people, and if more people playing Ingress came to Tohoku and saw the place, I think that would motivate people so that they want to help more because they see it, they meet the people, right? Because that’s how, you know, I was meeting the local people when I was doing the volunteer work and kept me going. So I talked with Masa (Mr. Kawashima, VP of Niantic) who was the only Japanese Niantic back then, and we started thinking about "okay, what can we do?" and in 2014, Masa pinged me, “hey we’re doing Ingress meetup in Ishinomaki, can you come?”, and I flew from the US to Japan to help with this event and more than 100 people gathered to join this event and we gave some prayers to the victims.
One of the things we did for this event was called Portal of memories (Kioku no portal). So with your own eyes what you see is a land that was washed away by tsunami, right? But with an Ingress scanner you can actually see what was there before the tsunami. Because there were people living there, there were restaurants, there were shops, all these things that were there before the tsunami, and you can’t see it with your own eyes anymore, but Ingress helps you to understand what was there, and we were seeing some tweets about it, right? “I didn’t know what was there, but because of Ingress I learned that there was a, uh, movie theater here and it was lost by tsunami.” We also went to this bar called a recovery bar (Fukkou bar) so that we can meet the local agent, local citizens and also help with the economic recovery. So I think for this audience it’s needless to say that Ingress is not just a game and I hope we can see you meet you out there again soon. Thank you.
?: (Text by Ingress Update [ENG])
Yo, yo, yo, aye aye dudes, it’s Ethen Lepouttre, NL-1331. Looking forward to another year with everybody.
?: (Translation by Ingress Update [ENG])
Hello, people! I’m NianticTintino, the Wayfarer Community Manager, and I wanted to wish you a happy ninth year of exploration. Even though I’m not part of the main Ingress team, I wanted to thank you anyway for all the support you’ve given us during the last nine years. And as everyone else, I want to share my favorite memory playing Ingress, which was when NianticThia, or Thia, came to San Francisco for my first Ingress event and we spent the whole day playing in the pier, meeting the rest of the agents, and she also gave me advices about how to improve my game. Well, I wish you have a very good day and that you’re brought more years of playing Ingress, and I hope we see you later. Let’s go then. See you later and happy exploring. Goodbye!
Pooja Srinivas:
Hello, this is Agent Sika. I’ve been with the Ingress team since 2013. What I love the most about Ingress is it has turned me into an explorer from someone who used to hate traveling. I now look forward to visiting these new locations and discovering these hidden gems around me. I met a lot of amazing agents throughout these 9 years and I’m looking forward to meeting more of you out there as we move on to year 10 and beyond. Happy hacking, agents.
John Hanke:
Hi, Ingress fans, John Hanke, I’m here at a very special location, this is the exact spot where Hank Johnson found a really important Ingress glyph a few years ago here at the Robert Howard house (Robert E. Howard museum) in Cross Plains, Texas.
And I just wanted to say thank you to all the Ingress players out there for an amazing 9 years of getting some exercise and fresh air and discovering new places in our communities and around the world and hanging out with some amazing people, some amazingly smart people who are really interested in seeing the world and getting the very best out of it, so thank you all for a great 9 years, I’m looking forward to an amazing 2022 with more really cool stuff coming for Ingress and I'm looking forward to celebrating that 10th anniversary with you all in a big way next year. So, happy 9th, have a great holiday, and hope to see some of y’all in an anomaly one of these days before too long. Take care, bye bye.
Brian Rose (Senior Producer):
私は今、お気に入りのイベントのうちの一つが行われた、サンフランシスコのCupid’s Spanにいます。リアルイベントを近いうちにまた実施できるようになるのを楽しみにしています。素敵なIngress 9周年を。
Thia (Global Community Manager):
Michael Romero:
こんにちはエージェントのみなさん。エンジニアリングマネージャーのMichael Romeroです。
? (Scanner engineer):
ゲームがまだ続いていてうれしい。とても特別なゲームだと思っていて、そのゲームの仕事をしていることを誇りに思っている。今は特にAdventure Sync(いつでも冒険モード)を進化させられることに興奮している。楽しみにしてほしい。
Shivaun Robinson:
こんにちは、エージェントのみなさん。NL-1331Xから、お届けします。エージェントslackfarmerです。2014年7月からプレイしています。Nianticで働き始めてからは、Apexや分散ミッションデー(Second Sunday)やサブスクリプション、Tecthulu、Navarroのイベント、このバンの装置に携わりました。
私がIngressを好きなのは、このゲームをダウンロードした時、ただゲームをダウンロードしただけではなく、生涯の友人からなるコミュニティをダウンロードしたのだと思いました。Ingressは近くに今まで見つけられなかった素晴らしいもの(hidden gems)を見つけさせてくれます。
Jake (?):
旧スキャナの韓国の地図を利用可能にし、Ingress Primeを立ち上げ、最近はポータルスキャンやキネティックカプセルに関わりました。
エージェントのみなさん、こんにちは。Nianticでマーケティングをしている山崎富美と申します。Ingress 9年目を迎えました。本当にみなさんサポートしてくださって、いままでありがとうございました。来年はなんと10周年です。ぜひこれからもIngressを楽しんでいただければと思います。よろしくお願いします。
Tintino (?):
こんにちは、みなさん。私はNianticTintino、Wayfarerのコミュニティマネージャーです。探検に満ちたみなさんの9年間を称えたいと思います。 私はIngressチームの一員ではありませんが、それでもなお、みなさんのこの9年間のサポートに感謝します。
私もIngressの思い出を語ろうと思います。Thia(二人目に話した人。Global Community Manager)がサンフランシスコで私の初めてのIngressのイベントに来た時、埠頭(pier)で丸一日Ingressをプレイし、エージェントたちに会い、Thiaはゲームのプレイについてアドバイスしてくれました。
Pooja Srinivas:
John Hanke (CEO):
やあ、Ingressファンのみんな。John Hankeです。
私は今とても特別な場所にいます。ここはHank Johnsonがとても重要なグリフを数年前に発見したTexasはCross PlainsにあるRobert E. Howard museumです。