
Welcome to my site はじめまして





My life has been pretty mobile, twenty-four addresses since my childhood, hardly staying in one place for five years. This means I did not have much chance to have friends to grow up together, or to grow old together. To me meeting and parting has been two sides of a flipping coin – perpetually. And with every parting, a piece of my heart chipped away. 

Someone said to me once that I was like a firefly that flickers and flies away. Maybe I chipped off the someone’s heart, too. 

With so many partings my heart has been pretty much shattered. And I remain in between yearning to belonging and accustomed numbness. 

Yet, some people left their brilliant impressions on me. It can be a five-year-old boy or an eighty-seven-year-old woman. Their strength stirs up my vacuum, and their figures boldly take shapes in me, then, scenes develop often like abstract paintings. 

With love and awe, my stories are for whom I met and parted, whom I am meeting, and whom I will meet. Or simply for a wandering soul, looking for a place to rest even just for a moment. 

I hope you will enjoy my stories.

