現在、オンラインストアで先行予約を受付中です。また、11/16-23に開催されるVABFで先行販売(11/20-23には、有楽町のmicro FOOD & IDEA MARKETでリアル出展もします)、書店での展開は11/25ごろからを予定しております。
以下は、今号のEditor's Noteです。
Editor’s Note
この状況がいつまで続くか誰にもわかりませんが、いつか振り返った時に、あの時があったから今があると思えるように、今でき ることを少しずつ積み重ねていくことが大事です。そして、何かし らの理由で苦しんでいる人が周りにいれば、そっと手を差し伸べ られる気持ちが、何よりも必要とされているのではないでしょうか。
You’ll Never Walk Alone
It’s been a year since our last issue. We had planned to publish this issue in summer, but the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic meant that we had to wait until this moment.
During the lockdown, as I pondered what I want to deliver through this magazine, one of the words that came up was life. Now, as our ordinary lives have changed drastically, each of us should take some time to think about our own life.
Various social issues are reported through the media and social networks, yet these issues have been with us all along. The same can be said for the football world.
For this issue, we spoke with people who use football-related activities to tackle various social issues, such as racism, mental health, gender inequality, pollution and poverty. There are an increasing number of discussions about football’s values within the broader society, and the people who appear in this issue truly embody those values.
Nobody knows how long this pandemic will last, but I think it’s important to move forward one step at a time, doing whatever we can, so that one day we can look back and say to ourselves, “Getting through those times gave us what we have now.” And if you see someone having difficulties for whatever reason, give them a helping hand. That’s what we need right now.
You’ll never walk alone.