My London Life ~Week 94~
それに加えダブリンの良い感じの景色も見る事が出来ました!心残りは、ギネス IPAが飲めなかった事…。まあ、存在をそこで知って探してはみたんですが見つからずで…。いつか試してみたいなと思っております!!
I write about Dublin travelling. I visited “GUINNESS STOREHOUSE “. As most people know, the famous GUINNESS beer is made in Ireland. And this is my one of favourite beer. Therefore, I was really looking forward to visiting there!! Inside the building is a beer museum like an amusement facility. We can learn about “GUINNESS beer” history and brewing but I focused a tasting and drinking so I cannot remember most of things… but I really suggest this place if you are “GUINNESS beer” maniac!! At the end I drank fine “GUINNESS” at the rooftop bar”. It was amazing!! And also I could see the nice view of Dublin. I regretted that I couldn’t drink “GUINNESS IPA” there. I knew there is it there but I couldn’t find it… I wanna try to drink it someday!!