My London Life ~Week 65~
美味しいご飯食べたり 競馬観たり 買い物したりと、日本で過ごす時間が凄く楽しみです!特にバニラちゃんに会える事は本当に長い間楽しみにしていたので凄く嬉しいです!!
その為にも、感染予防をしっかりして陰性証明を日本で手に入れ無ければ…。いくら出発前の陰性証明を持っていたとしても意味無しですからね… 到着時陽性なら… ただ、陰性と願うばかりです。
I’m in Heathrow airport now. Almost my departure time!! I’m going back to Japan. When I came here before, it was really quiet because of lockdown but there are many people now even weekdays!! And also many shops are opening now but I think this is normal actually!! That time must have been abnormal when I think back on it now…!!!!
I’m really looking forward to spending a time in Japan!! Eating amazing food, watching horse racing, shopping!! what else…!?!? Especially, meeting Vanilla!!!! I’m really waiting for this time!! It’s so long time…
For that just I hope will get negative result in Japan otherwise cannot enter to Japan even I got a negative certificate of before departure!!!!
Anyway, I’m wondering if can I endure my flight which is over 14 hours…