
“Global Positive Learning Supporter” の山本祥永と…


“Global Positive Learning Supporter” の山本祥永と申します! みなさまと一緒に、ポジティブに”何か”を学び合うことを使命とさせて頂いております! どうか宜しくお願い申し上げます!


  • 固定された記事

Simple Logical Thinking with three logical symbols

It is crucial for people to acquire logical thinking skills to survive in this information intensive world. The reason why this skill is exceptionally important is that logic is in good harmony with artificial intelligence or AI. No one can

    • Stay Greenhorn: "MIStakes"

         Considering my experience from my studying and jobs, it would be claimed that people can learn something great from mistakes not from success. Some people would say that success is from their hard work, but success is in fact mostly deri

      • Stay Greenhorn: “recipe”

             There is no perfect know-how in this world. Many people know this fact but most of them are trying to find "recipe" in their lives. Like other people, I am also trying to find "recipe" in my life. For instance, "How to gain much money?

        • Stay Greenhorn

               I am always a greenhorn, who does not know the society well. I am working hard to survive in the society but it is really tough to get paid to live in the society. To me, every day is like an audition for becoming an independent workin

        • 固定された記事

        Simple Logical Thinking with three logical symbols

          American Honor Society? Really?

          American Honor Society? Really?

          Simple logical thinking

          Three logical symbols In order to gain logical thinking skills, you just need to make full use of the following three symbols: “=“, “⇔” and “→”. “=“ stands for equality. For example, rain and weather are equal: “rain = weather”. More spec

          Simple logical thinking

          Simple logical thinking

             It is crucial for people to acquire logical thinking skills to survive in this information intensive world. The reason why this skill is exceptionally important is that logic is in good harmony with artificial intelligence or AI.     No

          Simple logical thinking

          Stay Greenhorn

             It can be quite important for adults to live as a greenhorn to survive in this rapidly changing world. This is because you can adapt flexibly to new surroundings with curiosity and courage and then achieve great financial success.    Whe

          Stay Greenhorn

          Stay Greenhorn

             I am always a greenhorn, who does not know the society well. I am working hard to survive in the society but it is really tough to get paid to live in the society. To me, every day is like an audition for becoming an independent working

          Stay Greenhorn

          How to win the people

          It is hard for people to persuade others to do something. These people may say “ Please do it!”. However others are not willing to do it in reality. Then, how to make them work voluntarily? The answer is to tell them why you are here. You d

          How to win the people

          Honor Society

          Honor Society



          The simple rule of changing English into Japanese

          I would like to help non-Japanese people learn Japanese. To achieve the above goal, I am going to mention the following simple rule of transforming English into Japanese: [SVO --> SOV]. Basically, many English sentences are composed of "S-

          The simple rule of changing English into Japanese

          Japan No.1 country, really?

          A few days ago, the upper house election was held in Japan. The Liberal Democratic Party, which is the ruling party in Japan, gained a majority. Considering the result, the government can lead a long-term regime, which helps the prime minis

          Japan No.1 country, really?