デザートローズ 8

『Autumn Leavesを再生しますか?』
『フランスの映画、Les Portes de la Nuitの挿入歌だったんですよ』
「へえ。Les Portes de la Nuitは夜の門という意味だね」
「これは聴いたことなかったなあ。1946年の歌なの? 曽祖父が生まれる前だ。別れの歌だね。なんだか切ないな。そういえばこの惑星のオーロラが見えるのは再来月だね」
「えっ、そんなものなの。半々か。見えるかな? 7月といえば僕の恋人の誕生日だ。オーロラの画像を送りたいな。7月12日だよ。蟹座なんだ。僕は魚座だから相性がいい」

"Right now it's May by Earth's time. The fresh greenery must be beautiful. Though there are only a few areas where you can still see it... Much of the old nature has disappeared. But that's all about the Northern Hemisphere. I've also lived in Australia. In Australia, May is the end of autumn. The leaves on the trees fall. The autumn leaves in Melbourne were beautiful too."
"Shall I play 'Autumn Leaves'?"
"You like jazz, don't you?"
"The original song is a chanson."
"Oh, really?"
"It was a theme song for the French movie, Les Portes de la Nuit."
"Wow. Les Portes de la Nuit means 'The Gates of the Night,' right?"
"I'll play the original version sung by Yves Montand."
"I haven't heard this before. A song from 1946? Before my great-grandfather was born. It's a farewell song. It feels kind of sad. By the way, the auroras on this planet will be visible in a couple of months."
"This planet's magnetic field is weaker than Earth's, so auroras don't appear frequently. The atmosphere is also thin, making it hard to observe from the surface. The appearance rate is 50%."
"Really, is that so? Fifty-fifty, huh? I wonder if I'll be able to see them. July reminds me of my lover's birthday. I'd like to send a picture of the aurora. It's on July 12th. They're a Cancer. I'm a Pisces, so we're compatible."
"Astrology is completely obsolete on Earth nowadays."
"Yeah, I know. My grandmother was a fortune teller. It must have been popular back then."
