








今井雅子作「膝枕」英訳 関成孝



On a holiday morning, a man, having no girlfriend nor hobby to get into,  and no plans for the day, was awakened by the rings of the doorbell.

When he opened the door, he found a delivery person standing there, cradling a cardboard box large enough to contain an oven range. However, the invoice attached, asking for a signature, simply read "Pillow."


"Pillow," the man's voice trembled with excitement.
"Ah, sir, can you take this?" pressed the delivery person.
Urged on, the man embraced the box, marked "Handle with Care," in his arms and carried it inside with the tenderness of holding a princess.


With a heart racing, he peeled off the securing tapes with his fingernails, careful not to use a cutter that might damage the contents. Inside the box, he found the lower half of a woman, seated in a traditional kneeling position. It was a "lap pillow," with two knees poking out from tight shorts, whiter than what he had seen in the catalog that had seduced him to make this purchase.



"Beautiful fair skin! Lighter color than I saw you on the catalogue!" the man exclaimed.

When the man spoke, the lap pillow, fashioned to resemble human knees both in appearance and touch, subtly turned its legs inward in a gesture of shyness, as if it were embarrassed. It was programmed to express emotions, although it bore no function beyond offering its lap. Dedicated solely to providing a lap to rest upon.


To meet the wide array of needs, the product lineup is extensive. There is the "Plump Knee Pillow" which guarantees an addictive sink-in feel with its 40% body fat. The "Mom's Lap Pillow," evokes distant memories of being tenderly cleaned your ears by your mom. The "Knee Pillow Which Makes You Feel You Have to Protect," enchants you with a sales pitch of supporting you with all its might despite its slenderness and frailty as trigs.  And the "Father's Sturdy Knee Pillow," gives you comforts with the wild bristles that graze the cheek...


After viewing the catalogue page by page, checking the products model by model, with deliberation upon deliberation, and with imagination upon imagination, the man finally chose the "Princess’s Knee Pillow," which allured him with virgin-snow-white knees no one had ever touched.


The product name "Princess’s Knee Pillow" was no misnomer. Even in the way it showed shyness, there was a refined grace. The way its legs move squirmy while sitting in a formal posture was innocently and endearingly awkward. It conveyed the excited yet embarrassed feeling of a maiden stepping into a bachelor's room for the first time.



"Welcome to my home. Make yourself relaxed like you are in your home."

The Princess's Knee Pillow, which had been tense, seemed relaxed slightly. The man fought back the urge welling up to quickly surrender himself to the pillow for comfort, as he did not want to be seen as forceful. He should avoid making things awkward, considering what might lie ahead. After all, she was a virgin princess.


"Well, the clothes.... I don't know ladies' clothing well...."
When the man spoke in a flustered manner, the caps of the Princess Knee Pillow bounced a little.
"Shall we go together for shopping?"
This time, the kneecaps bounced more strongly than before. It seemed she was pleased.


On that night, the first night for the man and the virgin princess, the man did not touch the Princess's Knee Pillow, or more precisely, he did not lay his head on her lap, but slept beside her feeling the presence of the knee pillow. He dreamt of sinking into soft marshmallows.



The next day, the man packed the Princess Knee Pillow into his travel bag and headed to the ladies' floor of a department store.
"Sorry to keep you in the tight space. A little bit of patience, OK?”

Clutching a travel bag that couldn't quite zip shut, the man's face was stretched into the widest grin as he spoke to the bag. He looked so suspicious that the store clerks kept their distance.


"Humm, I think white is the image. This looks nice. How about this?"
As the man brought the skirt closer to his travel bag, the knees bounced inside the bag.

Having purchased a white skirt with a lace hem, the man wasted no time in trying it on the virgin princess as soon as he returned home.




"Oh! you look stunning! Pretty!... I can’t stand any longer!”

The man collapsed onto the lap of virgin princess. His head was gently cradled like a marshmallow, soft and fluffy. What a softness he felt through the white skirt! How seductive the texture of the skin is on the knees peeking out of the lace hem! An ecstatic feeling, as if soaring to the heavens!

With the knees, he needed nothing else. The man drowned in the Princess’s Knees Pillow. Even while at work, he couldn't concentrate because he was preoccupied with thoughts of the pillow.



"I am back!"

When the man rushed back and opened the front door, the knee pillow was sitting there waiting for him. It had shuffled forward to welcome him. How touching. The feeling of affection welled up and the man dove into the lap of the Princess's Knee Pillow.



While resting his head on the lap, the man told it the story on the day. Occasionally, the caps of the knees trembled slightly. Yes, it was laughing!

"Do you find my story interesting?"


The two kneecaps came together with a clap, as if applauding. Eager to please the Princess's Knee Pillow even more, the man's storytelling glowed more passionate. Even if something unpleasant had happened at work, he felt easy by thinking that he had got a story to tell the Princess's Knee Pillow. The man, once downcast, stood tall, confidence was evident in his face and strength shined in his eyes.



"I didn’t know you were such an attractive person."

At a company drinking party, Hisako, seated next to the man, cast seductive glances his way. The man's eyes were riveted to Hisako's knees. His drunken head tilted, falling onto Hisako's lap, ending up in a position as if being cradled by her knees.



In that moment, the man was captivated by a softness and warmth that nothing could imitate. From above the head of the man, now utterly disarmed, Hisako's voice cascaded down.

"I think I’ve come to like you.” 



That night, as always, the Princess's Knee Pillow was waiting for the man at the entrance. Hisako's lap pillow was nice, but the Princess's Knee Pillow was also hard to give up.

"Your lap is the best, after all!"


At his inadvertently slipped remark, the Princess's Knees stiffened, as if sensing cheating. Just then, a message from Hisako arrived, asking, "Can I come over now?" In a panic, the man shoved the Princess's Knee Pillow into a cardboard box and pushed it into the closet before inviting Hisako into his room.


That night, the man asked Hisako for her lap but made no further advances. Hisako was touched, feeling cherished by the man, but, as a matter of fact, his interest laid solely in the lap.


From the next day on, Hisako began visiting the man's room, but their interactions remained limited to laying his head in her lap, and never made further progress. Hisako grew impatient, yet she hesitated to be the one to suggest, "isn't it about time to share a bed?"




There was another thing that troubled Hisako. Whenever she was in the man's room, she felt as if someone was watching her. It was as if someone was holding the breath, staying still and staring at her.

"Anybody, here?", asked Hisako.

"No way!", replied the man in upset.






Then, a rattling noise came from the closet.

"What’s the sound?", said Hisako. 

"In your mind! Sorry, I need to work."

"That's fine. Go ahead and work. I'll go to sleep first."

"No, I cannot concentrate if you are here."




After hurrying Hisako out, the man took the Princess's Knee Pillow out of the cardboard box. Since she was thrashing about inside the box, the knees of the pillow were covered in bruises and scrapes. Rubbing her knees together, she sulked.

"Are you jealous?", said the man.
The man embraced the Princess and gently caressed her bruised and scratched knees with his fingers.



"Sorry, I will not allow anyone to enter my room. You are the only one...for me."

As the man made a promise, the Princess pressed her kneecaps together as if pleading with clasped hands. Then, rubbing her knees together, she seemed to beckon the man, as if saying, "Come."

「いいのかい? こんなに傷だらけなのに」



"Are you OK? You have so many scratches." said the man.

As if saying, "sure," the Princess alternately moved her knees, urging the man on. Avoiding the bruises and scrapes, the man gently rested his head on the lap of the Princess.

"I love your lap, more than anybody’s."




"Awful!", Hisako shouted.

The man was startled and woke up.  He saw Hisako returned unnoticed. Standing imposingly at the entrance, her well-shaped lips quivered with anger.

"You cheated on me!"

「違う! 本気なのは君だけだ! これはおもちゃじゃないか!」



"No! you are the only one I am serious. Look, this is only a toy!"

As the man blurted out without thinking, the Princess's Knee Pillow trembled as if to say "how mean," but he couldn't notice it since he was too focused on watching the back of Hisako leaving away.

The man decided to pledge his love to Hisako.



"Sorry, I can’t stay with you any longer. But don’t you want me to be happy?"

Knowing it a selfish excuse, the man put the Princess's Knee Pillow back into the cardboard box and went to throw it away. No sound came from the box. The silence was hard on him, making him feel like an irredeemable villain. After leaving the box at a garbage disposal spot, he ran home without looking back.



At midnight, it began to rain. The Princess would be getting drenched by now. The man was torn between the urge to go pick her up and the restraint telling him he mustn't. He recalled the softness of the real lap of Hisako and tried to convince himself.

"I should forget the lap of the virgin princess. I have to. Yes, Hisako’s lap should help me."



Dawn broke on a sleepless night. As the man went to leave for work and opened the front door, there was a familiar cardboard box in front of him. Inside the cramped box, the Princess apparently made its way back to home shuffling her knees. Blood was seeping into the box.

"Oh, I have to treat the wounds straight away."


「大丈夫? しみてない? ごめんね」


When the man lifted her out of the box, the blood dripping from the Knees of the Princess stained his white shirt red.

"Are you OK? Does it sting? I am sorry."

As the man applied disinfectant to the Knees of the Princess and wrapped them in bandages, a sense of remorse mingled with growing affection. He couldn't possibly betray the Princess who had returned to him despite being so scratched and bruised.



At that moment, a different thought suddenly crossed the man's mind.

"Ah-ah, isn’t this a reaction programmed?"


The behavior patterns of the Princess's Knee Pillow were installed at the factory before shipping. If the pitiable reactions to being cheated or discarded were also pre-programmed, wouldn't that mean he was just being manipulated by artificial intelligence? Realizing this, the man quickly became disillusioned, and the Princess began to seem like just an object to him.



"Tomorrow, I shall throw this away. Far away from here─so that it can’t return here." muttered the man.

Thinking it to be the last time, the man rested his head on the lap of the Princess. Sensing the impending farewell, the Princess tensed up. While laying his head on the Princess's Knee Pillow, the man thought of Hisako's lap. After all, an imitation could never compete with the real thing.

「ダメヨ ワタシタチ ハナレラレナイ ウンメイナノ」


"No, we can't become apart. That’s the destiny."

In a state between dream and reality, he felt as if he heard the voice of the Princess.


「あれ? どうしたんだ? 頭が持ち上がらない」



The next morning, upon waking up, the man noticed something wrong.

"Oh my God! What’s going on? I cannot lift my head!"

He felt his head incredibly heavy, and he couldn't sit up while lying down. No wonder, his cheek had sunk into the Knees of the Princess and fused together with them. It seemed as if the skin had melted and stuck together, making it impossible to separate.

"I, I am like The Old Man with a Lump!"


「なんだこれは? 商品をお買い上げのお客様へのご注意……?」

The man tried to call the manufacturer's phone number listed on the warranty, but the ringing echoed emptily, unanswered.

"What’s this? Instructions to the customers...?”



The man noticed a cautionary note in the corner of the warranty, written in so small print that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

"This is a virgin princess and, therefore, cannot be returned or exchanged. Please handle it with care responsibly for the rest of your life. Improper use of the product may cause a malfunction."


The man, increasingly unable to sit up, found his head sinking further into the lap of the Princess's Knee Pillow. He was being enveloped in a clinging fit unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

(終わり) The End





2024年2月21日 膝開き

2024年8月10日 膝枕er3周年記念 関
