
仮定法倒置と "whether" と "if"


YouTube で、"whether" の用法の説明をしている動画を見かけて、気になって調べた適当な(でたらめな?)メモ。


例文:"Be they rich or poor, all are welcome."

Google 先生やChatGPT先生だと、上記の例文は、条件の強調のための仮定法倒置を使った表現というのが文法的な説明になるようだ。

以下、"whether" や "if" を使った文でも表現ができ、文語か口語かといったニュアンスの違いがあるようだ。

文語/フォーマル:"Be they rich or poor, all are welcome."
口語/カジュアル:"Whether they are rich or poor, all are welcome."
口語/よりカジュアル:"If they are rich or poor, all are welcome."



(条件節が)仮定法:"Be they rich or poor, all are welcome."
(条件節が)直接法:"Whether they are rich or poor, all are welcome."
(条件節が)直接法:"If they are rich or poor, all are welcome."

仮定法/直接法 × 現在/過去


なお、仮定法倒置は仮定法での表現方法なので、直接法にすると"whether" か "if" を使った表現になる。

仮定法現在:"Be they rich or poor, all are welcome."
仮定法過去:"Were they rich or poor, all would be welcome."
直接法現在:"Whether they are rich or poor, all are welcome."
直接法過去:"Whether they were rich or poor, all were welcome."

仮定法現在:"Whether they be rich or poor, all are welcome."
仮定法過去:"Whether they were rich or poor, all would be welcome."
直接法現在:"Whether they are rich or poor, all are welcome."
直接法過去:"Whether they were rich or poor, all were welcome."

仮定法現在:"If they be rich or poor, all are welcome."
仮定法過去:"If they were rich or poor, all would be welcome."
直接法現在:"If they are rich or poor, all are welcome."
直接法過去:"If they were rich or poor, all were welcome."


仮定法現在形の be 動詞の形は"be"となる。条件節が仮定法現在の "be" で、主節が直接法の場合、 be 動詞は、直接法現在の"are"となり、時制を一致させている。

仮定法現在:"Be they rich or poor, all are welcome."
仮定法現在:"Whether they be rich or poor, all are welcome."
仮定法現在:"If they be rich or poor, all are welcome."

仮定法過去形の be 動詞の形は、主語に関係なく"were"となる。(口語では"was"を使っているネイティブもいるらしい。)

条件節は、仮定法過去形の "were"の場合、主節が仮定法であれば、"would be"、直接法であれば、"were"となり、時制が一致する。

仮定法過去:"Were they rich or poor, all would be welcome."
仮定法過去:"Whether they were rich or poor, all would be welcome."
直接法過去:"Whether they were rich or poor, all were welcome."



(主節は)直接法現在:"Be they rich or poor, all are welcome."
(主節は)仮定法現在:"Be they rich or poor, all be welcome."



例文:I propose that all be welcome, whether they are rich or poor.


"Whether they were rich or poor, all (          ) welcome."
