

We had our golden moments exchanged between us, didn’t we? I can’t seem to shake the image of you smiling on that glorious day. I’ll recite it to you once more as you have asked me to do on the day you were welcomed home.

Adorned in a beautiful sundress, you smiled your brightest, showing off those dimples that all of us have come to love. It was a pure white dress that I remember clearly because I kept commenting about how it would easily dirty as we sat outside. You told me not to mind such frivolous things and to just focus on what we have in the present.

“Don’t worry about how dirty I will get, focus on how clean I am now.”
You always spoke in such ways, not worrying about the future, only focusing on the now…I didn’t particularly like that about you. But that’s beside the point. I don’t want to speak ill of you in any way, shape, or form today. On that golden day, we sat in a sunflower field in an area we knew we weren’t supposed to trespass in. You liked things like that, doing things that caused your heart to race and your palms to sweat. You really loved the excitement of it all for reasons beyond me.

You and I are…. like oil and water, we’re not supposed to mix together. I like peace, quiet, and to be alone. You yearned for a rush that comes with spontaneity and thrill. We really don’t mix. But like water and oil, if you stir hard enough, they still don’t mix but they learn to coexist together. Somehow, you always seemed to pull me back to your side no matter how desperately I fought you.

“You know why we’re out here, right?” Your words were so gentle, but lacked any tenor so as to give me any indication of what you were feeling at the time.
As I said no, your smile grew for my lack of understanding. You liked it when I was confused by your actions, it pleased you.

“What do you see when you look ahead?”

I followed your eyes out into the distance where the sun rose before us; over the vast valley where we sat in the sunflower field.

You laughed so hard when I told you that I saw a sunrise, I was nearly worried you had gone mad.

“No, silly. You see the golden rays of sunlight dancing around a lovely sunflower pasture as it warms living creatures to wake.” I wanted to argue you down about this so badly- not everyone has such a beautiful view of the world. You of all people should have known that. “This is my most favorite place in the world. I sneak here almost every morning. And now,” you said as you took my hand in yours, “this is my most favorite moment in this god forsaken world, because I’m sharing it with you. We’re here because I wanted to share this beautiful moment with you.”

At the time, I wish I would have said something kind in return. I wish I would have said anything at all, but my words were caught in my throat as I watched the sun’s rays highlight the breathtaking view that was you.

And on that day you asked of me, “When I do pass, as every good moment does, will you recount this instance? Will you please tell them of our beautiful golden day together?”
