My Ambitions
I am a 44 years old man. I am very fond of learning about history in general since I was a child. But I am poor at reading. I have seldom read either polite literature or popular novel. it is my serious complex now.
No matter what you say, I love playing video games, especially simulation games such as 'Nobunaga no Yabou', 'Sangokushi' and the racehorse training games such as 'Winning Post series'. Also I played a lot of 'Pawapuro' and 'Winning Eleven'. Therefore I leave almost books unread.
However, recently I have been working hard to learn English every day.
I have no time for playing games. I want to change myself by acquisition of English language.
I would like to fulfill some ambitions if I can speak, listen, read, and write English.
I would like to spread Japan's charm all over the world.
英語で世界中の人々に日本の魅力を広めたい。I would like to be able to read English literature such as "Shakespeare," "Dickens," and "Anne of Green Gables."
英語の原書でシェイクスピアやディケンズ、赤毛のアンシリーズなどを読めるようになりたい。I want to be able to read history books in English.
英語の歴史書を読めるようになりたい。I want to be able to study and learn in English.
英語で学問が出来るようになりたい。I want to be able to watch movies without Japanese subtitles.
The above five are my goals for learning English. They are quite difficult.
but I will try to step up day by day.