

WAPPAという名前は、職人の間でぐるっと輪を引くようにカットすることを「わっぱ」というので「WAPPA」です。指のかかりの良いところに、シンプルに「わっぱ」を引いただけのデザインです。特に深い意味合いが込められているでもなく、色んな意味でシンプルで、私が1番欲しかった、SENA MISAWAらしい切子です。


The name “WAPPA” comes from the circular cut design that artisans call “Wappa”. It is designed to create a comfortable ring on the side of the cup. There are no complex meanings behind it, but has a variety of simple-ness, and is what I have always wanted in a SENA MISAWA product.

It is common to leave a “signature” of your name on the glass, but I wanted to try incorporating the Logo of my name as a design, and created a “Logo version” for “WAPPA”.
