地域教育で地域を活性化 by 松岡明希 / 嘉穂高等学校(福岡) #住み続けられるまちづくり
・We can make a difference! 世界を変えるのは私たちだ
・調 査
・対 象
#せかい部 ×SDGs探究PJメンバーなどにインスタグラム、LINEでアンケートを依頼
・仮 説
・結 果
・パターン1 (田舎の場合)
1年生 まちたんけん(自分の町が自然でいっぱいであるということに気づかせる)
2年生 まちたんけん(自然がどこに、どのようにあるのかを調べる)
3年生 まちとのふれあい(実際に自然に触れあってみる)
4年生 地域の誇れるところを知る (市役所の方に来てもらい、自分たちの市のどのようなところが優れているのか、教えてもらい、地域の事を誇りに思う)
5年生 地域の改善したいところ (今までよい所ばかりを学んできたが、どこを改善すれば多くの人が住み続けやすいと感じるのかを考察し、改善策を出してもらう)
6年生 周辺地域とのディベート(このディベートをするためには、自分の地域の事をより知っていないといけない。そして、他の地域の「このような取り組みがよい」など評価し合うことで、相手を認め合うと円滑な話し合いが進むということを学ぶと同時に、各自が住み続けられるまちというモデルを確立する。)
パターン2 (都会の場合)
コンセプト 都市のいい所を知りつつ、自然も知り、多様な考え方を持つ
1年生 まちたんけん(ビッグシティーを回り、自分の市について知る)
2年生 まちとふれあう(実際に内部に入り、感動する。この市で働きたいと思わせる。)
3年生 地域の誇れるところを知る(市役所の方に来てもらい、自分たちの市のどのようなところが優れているのか、教えてもらい、地域のことを誇りに思う)
4年生 自然探し(大きな建物に注目しがちだが、実は自然もあるということを知り、自然遊びをしてみる※田舎の人に比べて自然遊びをしたことが少ないと予想される)
5年生 地域の改善したいところ (今までよい所ばかりを学んできたが、どこを改善すれば多くの人が住み続けやすいと感じるのかを考察し、改善策を出してもらう)
6年生 周辺地域とのディベート(このディベートをするためには、自分の地域のことをより知っていないといけない。そして、他の地域の「このような取り組みがよい」など評価し合うことで、相手を認め合うと円滑な話し合いが進むということを学ぶと同時に、各自が住み続けられるまちというモデルを確立する。)
コンセプト 世界へトビタテ!そして地元のいい所を語れるように!
1年生 自分の住んでいるところと、通っている学校がある地域を比較する。(この時、自分の住んでいる地域と通っている学校がある地域が同じ人は、ナビゲーターとしてその地域を紹介する)
2年生 海外の高校とzoom等を使ってお互いの市についてディスカッションをする。そこで、異文化体験をしていくなかで、考えたこともないような新しいものの見方をすることにより、より自分の地域の良さがわかるとともに、さらに良い考え方が生まれると考える。
3年生 いままでの振り返り。さまざまな経験をしてきた地域教育のまとめとして、地域の活動に参加をする。卒業後、就職、進学で地域を離れたとしても、地域貢献をし続けることができるようにする。
「私の将来の夢は外交官になり、日本の情報を世界に発信し、諸外国との関係をより良好なものにすることです。その夢を実現するために、幼稚園の頃から大好きな英語を頑張ってきました。中2で英検2級、中3でGTEC basic 1016点と徐々に英語力も増してきました。外交官への第一歩は、多くの国々の歴史や文化を学ぶことだと思います。そこで私は日本の情報を伝えるために、まず自分の足元である地域のことや学校のことを知る必要があると思い、中学校では広報委員長として学校新聞を作りました。高校では新聞部に入部して、さまざまな広報活動を続けています。そうした時に、『#せかい部×SDGs探究プロジェクト』の存在を知りました。ナビゲーターの方から多くの話が聞けると知り、夢に近づくことができる大きなチャンスだと思いました。また先日、留学経験のある先輩からさまざまな話を聞くうちに、留学への興味も増してきました。私も『#せかい部×SDGs探究』での活動を軸に、地域のことについてもっと深く学んでいきたいと強く思い、このプロジェクトに応募することにしました。世界を拓くトップリーダーになることができるよう、この『#せかい部×SDGs探究』での活動を通して多くのことを吸収し、発信していこうと思います。(自己紹介と意気込みコメントに記載したもの)」
Practice makes perfect!
We can make a difference!
嘉穂高等学校(福岡) 松岡 明希
#せかい部 ×SDGs探究PJ高校生レポーター(住み続けられるまちづくり)
#せかい部 #せかい部sdgs #せかい部sdgs高校生レポーター #住み続けられるまちづくりを #地域教育 #大和田順子 #ロハスビジネスアライアンス #野田聖子 #笹瀬正樹 #キリマンジャロの会 #楠部真也 #ピッキオ #吉田真晃 #鈴木宏和 #KLT #外交官 #広報 #なぜ? #全講義参加 #全プログラム参加#Practice makes perfect! #We can make a difference #英語バージョン #世界を拓くトップリーダー #福岡 #嘉麻市 #嘉穂高校
Do revitalization by regional education
Haruki Matsuoka
#Sekai-bu×SDGs Reporter (Sustainable Cities and Communities
Kaho high school (Fukuoka)
・We can make a difference!
I learned some new point of views and I absorbed and sent out a lot in these two months. What I want to say as a summary of this project is “We can make a difference.” This time, I would like to think about regional education which leads to sustainable cities and communities as a policy which our area goes revitalization at first.
・Why I paid attention to EDUCATION.
Today, we spend almost all the time in school. We are influenced on the education a lot. “Group Kilimanjaro Inc. (GKI), Mr. Masaki Sasase” said that “the language which are used in Tanzania’s school is different (The difference between public school to private school). Some are suffering from this fact”. But Japanese student can study equally like everyone go to elementary school and junior high school, and we use the same language “Japanese”. It means, Japanese education plays an important role in our growth.
And, I was impressed when I heard Mrs. Junko Owada (LBA LOHAS Business Alliance)’s lecture. She told me effort that give a chance to the family which is not farmer to do farm. Why they do is by the family do farming when they inherit the farming method, they try to preserve and progress the area.
I think “the love of the area” is even if we go to another place, we can talk about them with pride (I thought that because of Seiko Noda, a member, the House of Representatives (Lower House)’s words that “The thing which is important when we go abroad is not the language skill. We need to know about our hometown a lot.”). Also, I think “they want to contribute to their hometown forever” because Mr. Hirokazu Suzuki, the previous Cabinet Secretariat, said “even if they go to another place, they contribute to their hometown by traveling and doing hometown tax which is called “The second, Integrated Strategy.”
The lecture from Mrs. Owada and my thought about love of the area, I thought “Regional education is very important” to reach sustainable cities and communities and progress both, the country and town. So that, I thought we need to promote regional education and try to be much better, I paid attention to this.
I did survey by questionnaire in order to know the present circumstance of regional education.
Students in Kaho high school (grade1 and grade2, about 600 students)
The member of “#Sekai-bu×Explorer SDGs”, and so on (I asked them to answer by using Instagram and Line)
I received 184 answers.
・The way of research
I used contact management tool,” form run”.
I gave QR code to Kaho high school’s students and URL to another people
① Are you a Kaho high school student?
② Grade
③ Gender(voluntary)
④ Prefecture where you live in
⑤ Zip code of your residence
⑥ Please write the good points where you live in(Please write it as many as possible) (free writing)
⑦ When you were asked, “Please write good points of city or town where you live in”, how many answers could you write? (I gave them the options “1”, “2”, “3”, “4 or more” and “I couldn’t get up with that.”)
⑧ When did you do regional education? (Their options were “kindergarten”, “elementary school”, “junior high school”, “high school”, “I haven’t done”, “I don’t remember”) Multiple responses accepted.
⑨ Do you have any messages?
The earlier they start regional education, the more they can know the good points of their hometown.
This is the result of Q⑦&⑧ (I discarded numbers after the decimal point.)
※ Q⑧ is multiple responses accepted, so the sum cannot be 184.
※ In this time, the person who done regional education was 4, so it is too difficult to analyze the data. So, I will use only 183 data (except the person who only chose kinder garden)
・The things which I can know from the results
In ⑧, 13 people(7%) chose “I haven’t done”.
In that, the person who answered “I couldn’t get up with that”’s ratio was 15% (It was only the data which is over 10%). It was bigger than anything.
In ⑧, the place which done regional education the most was elementary school.
In ⑦, the person who said “over 4”’s ratio of high school student was the lowest of the three(elementary school, junior high school, high school).
In ⑧(except the person who answered “I don’t know”), the person who answered “over 4”’s ratio the most was elementary school(24%), and after that, junior high school(22%), high school(17%). The older they learn, the more they cannot know the good points which they live.
It means, my hypothesis “The earlier they start regional education, the more they can know the good points of their hometown.” was correct.
In this time, I’d like to suggest the original way of regional education. One is elementary school (The most people are doing), and the other is high school (The person who know the good points’ ratio was the lowest.)
・Regional education in elementary school
The person who exam an elementary school is rare. So, may be children go to their hometown school. It means, they can love their hometown. Also, elementary school student has 6 years. Teacher can think the program with long sight.
In conclusion, I think elementary school’s regional education will be effective if we do the following idea.
・Pattern 1 (Country – rural areas version)
Concept: Know our area and sending out. Know the fan of know and sending out.
Grade1 Explore our town (They realize that they have a lot of nature.)
Grade2 Explore our town (Research where and how nature is.)
Grade3 Come into contact with nature (They play with nature in reality)
Grade4 Know the point which is superior (We asked the person who works at municipal office to come to their school and talk about the point which they are able to talk them with pride. After that, we have the pride.)
Grade5 Think the point which they want to change (We learned only some good points, so they consider a point which they want to improve in order to make the town where many people feel happy when they live in)
Grade6 Debate with neighboring area (If we debate this, we need to know about their
country a lot. and by evaluating each other’s ideas,
they are able to know if we recognize each other,
they are able to debate smoothly. And make a model
of sustainable cities and communications)
・Pattern 2 (City-urban areas version)
Concept: Know the good points of city and know nature both and have some diverse ideas
Grade1 Explore our town (Walk the big city and know about the good point of the town)
Grade2 Come into contact with nature (Go into in reality, and be touched. And we want them to work in the city.)
Grade3 Know the point which is superior (We asked the person who works at municipal office to come to their school and talk about the point which they are able to talk them with pride. After that, we have the pride.)
Grade4 Search nature (We usually see a very big tower a lot, in fact, they have nature. They
realize and play with it. ※ Maybe they don’t play with nature as
much as town.)
Grade5 Think the point which they want to change (We learned only some good points, so they consider a point which they want to improve in order to make the town where many people feel happy when they live in)
Grade6 Debate with neighboring area (If we debate this, we need to know about their
country a lot. and by evaluating each other’s ideas,
they are able to know if we recognize each other,
they are able to debate smoothly. And make a model
of sustainable cities and communications)
・Summary of elementary school regional education
At first it is important when we are in elementary school that know about our hometown a little, bit a lot. And I was said by “sekaibu” every time that “You need to think about the things with you”. By clearing this step when we are elementary school students, we are able to generate “Love of the area”.
・Regional education in high school
The person who answered “over 4”’s ration was the lowest, so I think we need to do more attractive regional education. Also, in high school, many people come from far from here. It means, many people come from the city which thought various policies assembled in the same place. So that, they will be able to debate much bitter. And, our scope of activity spread, we can interaction with the person who are in abroad.
Concept Fly away to the world. And we want you to talk about the good points of our hometown!
Grade1 Compare with their hometown and the city where they go (then, if the person who
goes to their hometown school, they introduce about their hometown as a navigator.).
Do presentation about their area. After that, research about the area where you are interested in when you heard the presentation. And they suggest the policy as though they become mayor. And do trial vote in the school. And Mr. Yoshida (the Cabinet office gender equality bureau) said “If young people don’t vote, it means this generations are not interested in politics (they thought that) and they don’t do action for young people.” I think it is the key of resolve the problem.
After that, we actually suggest the policy to the city.
Grade2 They discuss about their city with the person who goes to another countries’ school by using zoom.
And there, they do cross-cultural exchange and the new point of view. They will be able to get a new way of thinking.
Later, we think the property returning gift as a hometown tax. At that time, they
consider their specially product and finance.
Grade3 contribute to the town and LOOK BACK!
As the summary of regional education, they join area’s activities. After graduate from
school, even if they go to another place (because of getting a job or going to school), we want them to keep contributing the area.
・Summary of the high school student
When the person became the second half of the people aged between ten and nineteen, the way of thinking and the range of active will become better. As the same, the population outflow to urban areas from rural areas cannot avoid this situation. We need to tell the way of contribute to the area by doing hometown tax.
And I thought we need to construct the system which is able to talk about our hometown with pride.
・The summary of regional education
I kept in mind this concept [know, learn, and tell] (KLT), 3 cycle when I suggest the style of regional education. By being gifted this, we are able to love their city a lot, and maybe they think, “I would like to contribute to hometown forever!”
And what is more, the thing that is the most important is keep doing regional education. We need to plan the schedule and anticipate the future since they are little. In my plan elementary school’s Grade1 plan,” Explore our town” is related to high school’s Grade3 plan,” contribute to the town”. So to speak, “contribute to the town” is the progress program. They do the actions where they found the good place when they were elementary school student.
・All programs I received
In this time, I have two reasons that I decided to join this project.
First is to come true my dream. My dream is to become a diplomat. When I applied this project, I sent the following messages on my application.
[My dream is to be a diplomat. By sending out information about Japan to the world and make the relationship between Japan to another country a better thing. To come true my dream, I kept studying English which I like since I was kindergarten student. I passed Eiken 2 when I was 2 grade of junior high school student and I got GTEC basic 1016 when I was 3grade junior high school student. My ability of English got better. I think the one step to be a diplomat is to learn about many countries’ histories, and cultures. And then, I thought “To tell the information of Japan, I need to know about my hometown and school at first.” I made school newspaper as a public relations chairman when I was junior high school student. In high school, I joined the newspaper club and I continue sharing information. At that time, I met “SEKAI-BU SDGs”. I knew that I can hear that I can get some information from navigator, I thought it is a BIG chance to reach my dream! And a few days later, I heard a lot of things from senior who used to study abroad in U.S. I became more interested in study abroad. I would like to study about a lot of things deeply. #Sekai-bu SDGs will be the core of my learning. That’s why I decided to apply #Sekai-bu SDGs. I would like to absorb a lot of things and sending out information of #Sekai-bu SDGs in order to be a top rider in the world. (I sent this to #Sekai-bu SDGs as the self-introduction and eagerness comment)]
In this time, I participated all programs and I could know the problem of Japan and the problem of the world. We could be able to think the solution with the member of sekai-bu SDGs. I learned a lot of things from them. I spent a lot of happy time.
The second is ability of publicity. I wish to be selected as the Best Reporter, I used a lot of medium, and shared a lot of information. Many people read or watched them, and shared these information a lot. The happiest thing for me was, when I shared the information, ” The image of Japanese people is eating whale everyday” (The words I heard from Mr. Masaya Kusube, Representative of Picchio), one of my friends remembered my information and he spoke about that in the class. I thought “I am happy because I could share the information exactly!”
And after I joined this project, my way of thinking was changed a lot! And the thing which changed me the most was the lecture which Mrs. Junko Owada gave. She told us “Osaki Ikimono Club (Osaki Creatures Club)”. This is the project for the non-farming family. By teaching biodiversity, they want the area continue. I became very interested in education after I took her lesson. From that, I asked some questions to navigator about the education a lot.
I happened to find this project. I chanced to open Tobitate’s website. I was absorbed in a lot from then. If I didn’t watch the sight that day, I won’t be able to be a member of sekai-bu SDGs Reporters. I am happy to be a member of sekai-bu SDGs Reporters! I would like to search for the thing which I feel “WHY?”. I would like to change a little from near here. And every people search for a “Sustainable Cities and Communities” And it is the big problem and I will not able to resolve this difficult problem, but I want to think the way of approach. And, I want to be a leader of the world in future.
Practice makes perfect! We can make a difference!
嘉穂高等学校(福岡) 松岡 明希
#せかい部 ×SDGs探究PJ高校生レポーター(住み続けられるまちづくりを)
#せかい部 #せかい部sdgs #せかい部sdgs高校生レポーター #住み続けられるまちづくりを #地域教育 #大和田順子 #ロハスビジネスアライアンス #野田聖子 #笹瀬正樹 #キリマンジャロの会 #楠部真也 #ピッキオ #吉田真晃 #鈴木宏和 #KLT #外交官 #広報 #なぜ? #全講義参加 #全プログラム参加#Practice makes perfect! #We can make a difference #英語バージョン #世界を拓くトップリーダー #福岡 #嘉麻市 #嘉穂高校