【翻訳】『Project A』プレイテスターによるファーストインプレッション
『Project A』のプレイテストに参加したeスポーツコメンテーターのHenryG氏による、ファーストインプレッションのツイートスレッドの訳です。
Hello! Strap yourself in. I had the chance to spend a day playing #ProjectA at Riot EU. Today, I'm allowed to share some of my initial thoughts and impressions. Please bear with me, I can't go into too much detail about the specifics of a lot of the gameplay until a later date.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
こんにちは!ちょっと長い投稿をしますね。私はRiot EUにて『Project A』をプレイする機会をいただけました。ファーストインプレッションをシェアしてもいいと言われています。今後発表があるまで、ゲームプレイの詳細にはあまり言及できないのですが、そこはちょっとこらえてください。
If you're reading this and you're not familiar with what I do; I am known as HenryG, primarily a CS:GO commentator and former professional CS player. Down a similar vein to these upcoming tweets, I was also part of the first ever play-test of CS:GO in 2011 at Valve.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
First of all, at its core, Project A is essentially a round based, 5on5, tactical shooter (most similar to CS:GO as a twitter surface level comparison), with the better (and slightly diluted) elements of class/hero based FPS games such as Overwatch or Apex Legends, for example.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
まず最初に『Project A』の基本にして核は、ラウンド制で5対5のタクティカルシューター(Twitterの表面的なレベルで比較すると、最も似ているのは『CS:GO』)で、『オーバーウォッチ』や『Apex Legends』にあるようなクラス/ヒーロー要素をさらに改善して(少し薄まってもいる)採用しています。
The game mode we had access to was MR12, DE/SnD with a A & B bombsite with an attack/defence swap at half time.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
In my opinion, these aforementioned classes and their own unique 'abilities' should be seen as tactical utility instead of potentially overpowered spell/ultimate combinations that other class-based games suffer from.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
私の意見では、他のクラス制ゲームはスキルとアルティメットのコンボがOPになる可能性に苦しんでいますが、『Project A』では前述したキャラクタークラスと、各クラス独自の「アビリティ」が戦術的なユーティリティとして見られるはずです。
Generally speaking, 'abilities' primarily need to be purchased at the start of a round instead of earnt over time with the same economy reservoir as the weaponry.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
The gameplay and gun mechanics are super slick and satisfying. On the build I played we experienced pretty well balanced and varied hitscan weapons that had their own unique spray patterns and best method(s) of approach for your situation or position.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
Similar to CS:GO, with the economy system, you could partially invest into rounds with less-fire power to take a gamble on a round and enter with basic abilities/utility.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
You can have a great time playing without having to rely *too* much on the abilities to assist you in your game.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
Saying that, there's nothing more satisfying dropping a successful combo of movement mechanics abilities that isolates your opponent to buy space before pulling the trigger on the killing blow.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
All classes have access to the same generic weaponry via an economy CS:GO fans wouldn't find too difficult to adjust to. **Generally speaking** a 1 bullet headshot with one of the primary rifle(s) [with any class/hero wielding it] will do enough damage to take down an opponent.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
『CS:GO』ではマネーシステム経由で使えるようになる武器と同じような武器が『Project A』でも全クラスに用意されており、『CS:GO』ファンなら使いこなせるようになるまでさほどの労力はかからないでしょう。銃についての全体的な話になりますが、ある主武器ライフルでヘッドショットを1発命中させれば、使用者のクラス/ヒーローを問わず、相手を倒せるだけのダメージが出せます。
One of the most exciting elements of the game to me was the map design. They have been beautifully created and follow Counter-strikesque familiar lanes and choke points. With the focus on game-play substance, rather than flowery aesthetics.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
I will be creating some initial content at a later date where I can dive into a lot more specific information. For now, I will say that this is a very exciting title that is being built by the right people that has the potential to be one of the giant titles of the FPS space.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
I will leave you with this bombshell: #ProjectA is the best game I have played since CS:GO.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
『Project A』は『CS:GO』以降で私のベストゲームです。
I want to make it extremely clear that all of these words are my own.
— HenryG (@HenryGcsgo) February 11, 2020
Riot have not requested a single edit or had any problem with me being this candid. They have been refreshingly cool about this.
Future content will be found here, on twitter, or on my Instagram @HenryGcsgo
※以上のツイートは全てHenryG氏個人の意見です。訳文については翻訳者であるSejuPoroが責任を負います。言及されている『Project A』の内容については、今後仕様が変更になる可能性があります。
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