【TOEFL】ライティングサンプル問題作りました!Andemic Discussion Task
先月まであったAndemic Discussion Taskの練習問題28問がなくなっていました😢!ショック!
そのため今回は、なくなってしまったAndemic Discussion Taskのサンプル問題を解答付きで作ってみました⭐️
サンプル問題の前に、Andemic Discussion Taskの問題冒頭を先述しておきます。
1. Green spaces
Doctor Achede
In our textbook, we read that parks and other green spaces with trees and plants have numerous benefits for people in cities. But city governments sometimes must choose between using a piece of available land as a green space or using it for other important purposes, such as for shopping areas or for manufacturing plants. In your opinion, which is the better use for available urban space? Why?
It’s true that parks can benefit people in cities, especially health-wise. But it’s more important to use the limited space for things that people cannot survive without, like hospitals or clinics. Medical care is often an urgent necessity. Visiting a park is not.
I’m all for creating green spaces for people to enjoy, but you don’t necessarily need an open piece of land to do that. Let the available land be used for business or housing purposes.
Green spaces can be created on the rooftops of existing buildings. And new buildings can be constructed creatively to include open spaces with plants and trees.
2. Gap Year
Doctor Achebe
This week, we’ll look at how well students transition to university. Many recent high school graduates have taken a gap year—a yearlong break after graduation —before studying at a university. During a gap year, students may get jobs, travel, or simply relax and think about their future. Some students say their gap year was beneficial, while others regret having taken one.
In your opinion, does taking a gap year create more advantages or disadvantages for students? Why?
The gap year would be a good opportunity for students to reflect on their education goals and confirm their plans for university. At least it would give someone time to investigate different fields and get a better sense of what it means to be in business, to work in an office, or to work wite their hands, etc
Because university can be expensive, students should not take a gap year. Tuition, the cost of books, and living expenses rise every year. The money a student might save during a gap year might not be enough to cover the rise in prices when they enter university a year later.
3. Employee Training
Doctor Achebe
We've been discussing the importance of hiring and retaining highly skilled employees, but even the best employees may need to periodically update or further develop their work skills.
One question facing managers is how much time and money to invest in improving the work skills of their employees.
Some managers argue that ongoing employee training is the most important investment a company can make. What are your thoughts on the matter?
I don't think that employee training is the most important investment a company can make.
The company should be hiring the most skilled workers it can find in the first place. There are so many other unavoidable things that a company needs to spend money on that have to take precedence over training.
Employees' leaving their jobs is always a risk, but providing ongoing training and skill development is more likely to make employees want to stay rather than go, in my opinion.
When employers pay for training, employees are likely to feel more valued by their employer, and this can only improve the employer-employee relationship.
4. Global Environmental Problem
Doctor Diaz
Nowadays, the world is facing a number of pressing environmental problems, and over the next few weeks, we'll be discussing various innovations that may help solve these problems.
To begin our discussion, I'd like you to think of one global environmental problem-for example, it could be related to water, air, land, climate, biodiversity, energy, or something similar. Then explain what you think would be an effective solution to this problem.
One of the major environmental problems is the limited freshwater supply in many areas of the world, which means that we need to find effective technologies to provide people with enough drinking water. One solution is to improve the technology for removing salt from seawater, which could allow us to use seawater to replenish dwindling freshwater supplies.
I think the biggest problem is the air pollution caused by the overuse of motorized vehicles. The obvious solution is for local governments to promote alternatives, like building bike lanes in cities or improving public transportation with electric buses.
Both of these would be easy to implement as well.
5. Measuring Success in Education
Doctor Diaz
This week, I want you to discuss assessment criteria. Some schoolteachers give high grades (marks) only to those students who perform well on their homework assignments and tests. Other teachers, however, may give high grades to students who have worked very hard on their assignments but have not performed so well.
Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance, or grading students not just on performance but also on their effort?
I think grades should be based on performance only. It's a matter of fairness. I'd be really upset if another student got nearly the same grade that I did when I turned in work that was almost perfect and the other student's work had incorrect answers or unclear ideas. It wouldn't matter to me if they worked harder.
Sure, evaluation should mainly be based upon the student's performance, but hard work should count for something. A student who works hard, even when the final grade isn't the highest in the class, builds character, which will benefit the student later in life when they go to university or apply for a job.
6. Rural Revitalization
Doctor Diaz
Let's think about population trends in urban and rural areas (villages). Living in urban areas can be expensive; nonetheless, when they have a choice of where to live, people in some countries do not wish to live in rural areas even if the cost of living there is lower. If governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural areas or villages, what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use? Why?
I would live in a rural area if the government gave more financial help to farmers. Although it may cost very little to liv in a rural area, it costs a lot to begin a career in agriculture. It had financial help, I would start my own farm and be happy t live in a rural area.
In my country, urban centers are great places to live becau you can access shops, restaurants, and museums. If the government of my country wanted to attract me to live in
rural area, the area would first have to attract more businesses focused on entertainment and culture than mo rural areas have now.
7. Gaming
Doctor Diaz
Companies now make computer games designed to help very young children learn. The games are advertised for use by children aged 2 to 8 years and often involve basic math and reading skills, presented in a fun, game-like style. Some people say that this results in children spending too much time looking at computer screens. Do you think it's a good idea for very young children to play educational computer games? Why or why not?
You sent I think it's completely inappropriate for children as young as 2 years old to play what are essentially video games. Even if the games are educational, the same skills can be taught in traditional ways-by reading books to children, for example. And it would be beneficial to interact with their parents in this way.
Considering how important computers are to human societies these days, I think it actually makes sense to allow very young children to explore them. And if the computer games that children play also give them early access to subject matter that will later be taught in school, all the better.
8. Future Work-Life
Doctor Diaz
In 1930, a famous economist predicted that at the end of the twentieth century, an average worker would work only 15 hours a week, thanks to advances in technology. This did not happen, as we all know. Nonetheless, the balance between work time and free time remains an interesting question. So, let me ask you today: Twenty years in the future, will people have more leisure time (free time) and less work than they have today? Why, or why not?
I think it is likely that people will work shorter hours in twenty years than they do today. Our societies are becoming wealthier all the time. It does not seem necessary for people to continue working as hard as they do today. At some point, having more free time should be more important than creating more wealth.
I am not sure people will work less in the future. As Doctor Achebe wrote, a shortening of the workweek was predicted before. There are many factors that determine how long people work. Our economic system is very competitive. Workers are pushed to work longer and longer hours so that companies have a competitive advantage.
9. Green Commutes
Doctor Diaz
This week, we've discussed how carbon dioxide released by gasoline-powered (petrol-powered) cars pollutes the air and contributes to climate change. Let's focus now on two proposals that governments can consider as they try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cars. One proposal is to improve and expand public transportation. The other is to provide financial support to companies that make electric cars and to consumers who buy them. Which proposal do you think is better? why?
I think improving public transportation would be more beneficial overall than giving tax breaks or rebates to particular companies and consumers. If taking a train or a bus is significantly easier, cheaper, and faster than driving a car, more people will want to use public transportation. With fewer cars on the road, there will be less air pollution.
I believe that providing financial support to electric-car manufacturers and consumers is the better innovative long-term strategy. Many people live in rural areas, and they need their own vehicles to get around. These people would not benefit from, say, more train lines being built in a far-off city.
10. Public Transit vs. Electric Vehicles
Doctor Diaz
Our current unit looks at tourism and the benefit it has on a country's economy. Many argue that while tourism can indeed be a money-making endeavor, it can do more harm than good, especially tourism to small, remote places that are not heavily populated. What is your opinion?
Should local or national governments promote tourism to remote regions not typically visited by tourists before? Why?
Tourism has always been a lucrative business. Improving the economies of these rural regions, especially if those regions are poor, can only have a positive effect. People can have a better quality of life by showcasing their food and traditions to the outside world. It's a chance the people might not get without a promotion from the government.
I don't think governments should promote tourism to remote regions. The people are likely not asking for this kind of industry or for this kind of attention. Instead, governments should develop other means of improving a region's economic situation, like expanding agriculture or other industries. These efforts will have a stronger, more permanent impact on the region than bringing in groups of tourists.
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