
インターンシップ体験記:プロジェクトマネジメント・製品開発を実地で学ぶ Internship : Hands-on learning of Project Management and Product Development

Kento YAMANAKA, Intern at HMI 
大阪生まれ、大阪育ち。現在カナダの大学在学しIntegrated Engineering(複合工学)で、多分野の工学の授業を受けながら、毎年行われるグループプロジェクトで学んだことを活かし、革新的なプロジェクトを多様なメンバーと実行推進しています。また、その中でも機械工学と電気工学を中心に授業を組み、自分の興味のある分野を強化しています。
I major in Integrated Engineering, where I study various fields of engineering and apply this knowledge in annual group projects to develop innovative solutions to everyday problems. Within Integrated Engineering, I focus on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering to deepen my understanding in these areas of interest.

What was your Role & Responsibility at Schneider during your internship
? インターン期間中、どのような役割と責任を担っていましたか?
At Schneider Electric, I interned as an engineer in the Electromechanical team within the HMI R&D department. During my internship, I was responsible for completing a research project and an innovative design project.

What is your achievement as well as learning during your internship at Schneider? シュナイダーでのインターン期間中に得たもの、学んだことを教えてください。
During this internship, I conducted research on rapid prototyping and initiated developing a process for selecting prototyping methods for future projects. Additionally, I designed a new SD card cover, a component of the HMI, as part of a design project. Both projects were completed on schedule. From these projects, I gained valuable project management skills, including scheduling, risk management, and time management, which were crucial as the two projects overlapped at times. On the technical side, I designed a injection molded part for the first time, gaining knowledge and design skills related to it. I also learned about risk management methods such as FMEA.

-Please share why you wanted to experience intern at Schneider Electric?数ある企業のうち、なぜシュナイダーエレクトリックでインターンを経験したいと思ったのでしょう?
私は現在カナダの大学に在学していますが、海外、特に北米ではインターンシップが盛んですが、日本ではまだ長期で受け入れ可能なインターンシップの機会が少ないのが現実です。そんな中、LinkedInでシュナイダーの大阪オフィスでElectromechanical Engineer Internの募集を見つけました。募集内容を読んでみると、興味のある業務内容であり、世界的に有名な会社であること、そして大阪の実家から通えるという点で、シュナイダーで働きたいと思いました。
Internships are popular overseas, especially in North America, but opportunities are still limited in Japan. While browsing LinkedIn, I found a job posting for an Electromechanical Engineer Intern at Schneider’s Osaka office. After reading the job description, I realized that I was interested in the tasks involved, the fact that it is a globally renowned company, and the convenience of commuting from my parents’ home made me want to work at Schneider.

-What is your most impressive or fun moment during your intern at Schneider? シュナイダーでのインターンで最も印象的だったこと、楽しかったことは何ですか?
During this internship, what left a strong impression on me was the opportunity to interact with people from various departments outside of work. In particular, having lunch with different people on the 6th floor every day, and participating in basketball, futsal, and bouldering clubs allowed me to enjoy events and connect with many people. This not only brought me joy but also made me feel more welcomed as a member of the company and the team. As a result, I was able to feel comfortable, focus on my work, and enjoy my daily tasks.

Why you should do internship at Schneider by Kento 最後に、Kentoが思う「シュナイダーでインターンシップをすべき理由」を教えてください!
Working at Schneider Electric, a globally renowned company, is an invaluable experience for students. Regardless of whether you decide to pursue a career at Schneider, this experience will greatly support your future career. Under the generous support of senior engineers, you can hone your skills in line with your interests. Additionally, the people at Schneider’s Osaka office are all very interesting and kind, making it a stimulating and meaningful experience to work with them. If you are interested in doing an internship in Japan, I highly recommend applying to Schneider.


Kent, a Canada university student, applied for and came to Japan for a three-months internship with Schneider Japan. Schneider Electric Japan is still looking for students from Japan and abroad who would like to do an internship! If you are interested, please apply here :)