Internship Opportunity: Join us as an Intern and Work at a Global, Leading Company!インターンシップ体験記:多国籍企業で働いてみたい学生の皆さんへ
Chloe Aubet, Intern @ HMI
Studied general engineering and specialized in final year ins robotics and mechatronics. Internship at Schneider Electric's HMI Business for four month staying in Japan through the university's study programme.フランスの大学にて一般工学を学んだ後、ロボット工学とメカトロニクスを専攻中。大学の履修プログラムを活用し4か月の日本滞在中にシュナイダーエレクトリックHMI事業部にてインターンシップを経験。
What was your Role & Responsibility at Schneider during your internship
? インターン期間中、どのような役割と責任を担っていましたか?
I did a 4-months internship in the electromechanical team at HMI. I was in charge of the development of a camera module as an accessory for HMI. 私はHMI事業部のエレクトロメカニカル・チームで4ヶ月のインターンシップを経験しました。HMIのアクセサリーとしてカメラモジュールの開発を担当しました。
What is your achievement as well as learning during your internship at Schneider? シュナイダーでのインターン期間中に得たもの、学んだことを教えてください。
During my internship, I learned in detail all the steps of product development, from market trend to prototyping. I gained a wider understanding of HMI industry, I learned many new technical and soft skills and I could practice English and Japanese languages. I conducted the project autonomously and achieved to create a functional camera module prototype.
Please share why you wanted to experience Schneider Electric's Internship? 数ある企業のうち、なぜシュナイダーエレクトリックでインターンを経験したいと思ったのでしょう?
I wanted to do my internship at Schneider to experience the work in a global and leading company, where people from various countries interact and where we can be challenged.
What is your most impressive or fun moment during your internship at Schneider? シュナイダーでのインターンで最も印象的だったこと、楽しかったことは何ですか?
During my time here I had many fun moments : hanami lunch, teams gathering and sports clubs and all lunch time discussions and laughs. All these moments helped to know colleagues better and forge bonds which contributed a lot to the sense of belonging.
Why you should do internship at Schneider by Chloe 最後に、Chloeが思う「シュナイダーでインターンシップをすべき理由」を教えてください!
There is many reasons for you to do internship at Schneider : you will get experience of working in a major company making significant efforts towards sustainability, you can learn technical skills from many experts, acquire valuable knowledge on diverse topics, get hands-on experience and feel integrated in a company centered on people's well-being.
Chloe, a French university student, applied for and came to Japan for a four-month internship with Schneider Japan. Schneider Electric Japan is still looking for students from Japan and abroad who would like to do an internship! If you are interested, please apply here :)