Malaysia留学 第四周
Foreign Policy of China①
ASEAN and Regionalism①
EUと比較してかなりdiverseでless unitedなASEANが、どのように地域主義を築いて、どこまで協力できるのか学びたいです。
Politics and Government in South East Asia②④
Ethnicity, Identity, and Politics of Minority in South East Asia②④
Introduction Malay Folk Dance
the class starts today! but I have no class on monday. I'm relieved because I haven't recovered completely. It was a pity that I couldn't go out when I was free, but it's better to be sick on a free day than on a class day.
I created a schedule of what I'll eat every day. I have to consider the time, nutrition, and cost involved in cooking. I think nutrition is the most important because if I become sick, I can do nothing. I know it's very fortunate that I can prioritize nutrition over cost.
also, I lack dairy products. Here, dairy products are expensive. It's natural though because in Southeast Asia, dairy farmer is rare, I guess.
so, to get more protein, i tried to make tofu steak, but i failed.
I thought I opened it, but there was a second? cover for some reasons.(invisible on this picture though)
from tommorow, maybe I'll be busy with studying, but I hope I could have time to do journaling so that I can concentrate on myself, think by myself, and keep my mental health.
It's interesting to watch a youtube advertisement for the same organization. The content is the same in malaysia and in japan, but i think there's a bit difference in storytelling.
my roommates gave me kaya jam and castella. So tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will buy this for a souvenir.
the first class on minorities
we have time for tutorial besides the lecture time! i didn't know that(no exchange students knew that).
the content of this course seems to be so interesting! even though this is only introduction, i'm so excited
ethnicity, identity, politics of minorities in southeast asia. this is a mandatory course for local students! it's interesting. in japan, I think this course will not be mandatory. many people in japan believe that we are less diverse in terms of ethnicity. 何が必修かっていうのもお国柄というかそういうのを反映するんだなー
many students and professors in my home uni say that we should change the name or create an english name so that foreign people can easily call and recognize it. I had known this argument, but i truely realized the importance today. It's so difficlut to pronunciate
Cafeteria of faculity of education
had lunch at cafeteria. there are several cafeterias in this uni. so larege and excited
curry was nice.
it was buffet style. we don't know how much we have to pay for what amount. staff check the amount just by seeing it, and decide the fee.
dance class
got lost. I went to the lecture building, but the door was not open. so i had to enter from a door at the other side of the building, and looked after the door, but for some reasons, i was in a different building which was connected to the one i had to enter. Security men and local students helped me a lot.
it was introduction, so i didn't dance today. the professor and other students are so nice
looking for tommorow's lecture location
so complicated. i have to visit the campus of the faculty, but it has a lot of buildings. i coudln't find the room and people around me, the center for exchange students, and buddies did not know where it was! so large. finally i found the building, but it was hospital, so got confused. but the department was in the building and it was upside of second floor. the room name was also confusing.
i spent an hour to find this! tired
foreign policy of china
so many exchange students from china! excited
the content of this course is so interesting
since the class finished early, i went to the library and read newspaper
mid valley
went to mid valley to buy foods i will eat this week
even though i have to get on a train to go there, foods there are cheaper than those in the supermarket in our nearest station. so it's the most reasonable way buying foods collectively. But after coming back home, i realized that it's so heavy and the capacity of our refrigerator is not so big. maybe i should buy little by little at the nearest supermarket
after i went home, i studied prepaing for the tommorow's class
go to uni
am: studied at the libraly
although i'm not required to read materials prior to class, i want to read as many as possible, because i think my reading skill is getting worse and worse after i became university student
politics and government in southeast asia
glad to know that i can learn the current and historical politics of all southeast asian countries!
talked with a japanese friend with the same interest and purpose of studying here. want to talk with her about a future career again
ASEAN and regionalism
a bit difficult to understand. especially the relationship between 歴史の終わり and 文明の衝突 and the third wave of regionalism
the class finished early, so i talked with several students after the class. there are lot of local students.
one of the students said he was hungry and i was hungry too, so we went to buy something to eat. ate どら焼き. surprised to know that they buy どら焼き here! he ate red beans and I ate strawberries. outer bunds were authentic, but both of the inside substances were not authentic(he's from Japan too)
talked with a Japanese student. Not friend. She is an activist. She inspired me.
going out with my roommates and exchange students from Poland and Indonesia
subways are more sophisticated!
women only coach. according to my friend, sometimes a guard man came in at a station to check the situation of women only coaches. maybe because it's an islamic country?
lot10 and Pavilion
when i stayed in the US for a month, i missed japanese food very much. here, i can survive
bought dry fruits with which i will eat yogurt. They let us try many fruits. some of the fruits were uncommon in Japan. i loved them all, so i bought a mix one.
ate okonomiyaki at this restaurant recommended by a Polish friend. we were curious whether it was authentic or not. It was authentic. the owner was Japanese. it was a bit funny and confusing to communicate with someone in Japanese here
enjoyed laolao which is very popular now.
mall at the bottom of the twin tower
also, my friend said that LINE is common in Indonesia. i didn't know that
many malls have H&M and ユニクロ. timely article↓
finally twin tower!
night market
in markets, we can't use cards, but can use not only cash but also apps using QR cord. more developed than Japan
i stayed home, read newspaper, and study for next week class.
since i came abroad, i should enjoy sightseeing, the thing we can do only here and now. but on the other hand, since i have time, i really want to improve my english. i think it's important to have enough time to study by myself. also, i want to read newspaper articles about economic issues which i rarely read when i was in japan.(総合面と国際面オンリーが多い)
another reason i stayed home is simply because i am sleep deprived chronically due to the azan. also yesterday, i went to bed late due to the online admission fee payment. i wake up late and am still sleepy
Sentral Market!! with friends from south korea
postcard office
I bought postcards and international stamps and sent them to my family in Japan.
There is an explanation in Japanese. Maybe, it's popular with Japanese tourists. In fact, I heard a lot of Japanese here.
I didn't buy a blank postcard, so I put this stamp on a book.
so many shops and people here and so many various cultures! I feel the diversity.
because it's still before noon
I asked the salesperson which books were written by Malaysian authors. There were several books and one of them was written by herself! I soon decided to buy it. She said she is not a professional writer and it's just a hobby. 自費出版. amazing
It is a collection of episodes from her diary.
Everyone's had a diary at some point, even if they've only written in it onece. People usually use diaries to express themselves or recount what happned thoroughout their daiary, It's a health outlet for those pent-up emotions that they can't release into the world, a safe space to express themselves.
So it's a tremendous deal if someone reads my diary. It feels as if the reader has trespassed into my thoughts,
I completely agree. But that's also exactly why reading other's diary is interesting, right?(もちろん盗み読みしたことはないよ) You can know what they are thinking and feeling. Thank you so much for making this book!
lunch at a Chinese restaurant recommended by friends
Kaya toast at a cafe
It's a famous cafe, so it was really crowded.
I love KL statue and Dataran Merdeka
For Korean students, it's also suprising that there are so many national flags. maybe related to its ethnic diversity and history
Merdeka means independance in Bahasa Malay. Here, they declared their independence.
talking at cafe
It was so hot, so we went to a cafe.
We talked about a lot of things, such as major, career, languages, university system, aging society in South Korea and Japan, 氏制度 and 夫婦別姓問題, temperature, and so on. I enjoyed the time!