


Several conventional major media have criticized that they should prevent social media from being prevalent because something malicious conducted by countless vicious politicians has brought them into a threatening, frightening, deadly, lethal and critical circumstances.
In short, they absolutely want to hide something vicious from our perspectives without fail, an online article says.
In fact, the government party has ever adopted the same  strategies in order to destroy the reputations about the opposition parties, say, a certain female politician of the Liberal Democratic Party, who is the second generation, provided “Dappi” with numerous kickbacks so that they should post something notorious about the opposition ones into social media, which is their measure, we know.
Such behaviors won’t fail to make negative contributions to our society in a economic and political perspectives.

The Liberal Democratic Party has insisted that the social media should be banned since the ex-governor of Hyogo prefecture was elected the original position again three days ago, which might have exposed that existing media had broadcast what isn’t true, an online article says.
After all, they have conducted something malicious, so that they have extremely countless secrets they should hide from our eyesights because the exposure cannot fail to bring them into a deadly, lethal and critical situations.
In the first place, everyone owns something vicious other people shouldn’t be informed of without fail, so that we have only to apologize to those involved around us when our unforgivable actions in the past should be open to the public, and not a few people would allow us to lead a usual and normal life from now on, everyone assumes.
In contrast, our meaningless excuses would force others to become furious against our personalities and towards our characters, which might make it impossible to show our smiles in front of ordinary citizens, to our sorrows.
In conclusion, love affairs require a kinky politician to pay much goodbye money to young female, everyone knows.
