


A certain governor in a certain prefecture compelled a whistleblower to commit suicide because the reporter tried to expose the politician’s unforgivable behaviors to the public, when he tried to prevent what he did from being open to ordinary citizens in our society, she says.
In a few days, as many as 86 congressmen would require the current governor to resign from the significant post, although the congress are composed of 86 members.
Despite this, he won’t absolutely obey their demands.
When he should receive their requests, he would be one of the ordinary citizens in our society, on the contrary, he would become a vicious murder criminal because his verbal violence and his malicious acts forced a couple of his subordinates to kill themselves, which enables him to be arrested by the police, simultaneously, he must pay a large amount of money as the compensation payments.

There are numerous books written about Great Cultural Revolution in our society, but we cannot encounter even more moving and impressive books than “Wild Swan.”
It is because the incidents which individuals experience cannot completely fail to express how humans feel under the deadly, lethal, critical and frightening circumstances.
We should consider it as something challenging to find various victims’ mental strengths in the objective facts.
Not a few ordinary citizens failed to abandon their own hopes and wishes to be released from the catastrophe caused by one cruel and crazy dictator, everyone knows.

In those days, the number of someone suicidal used to be extremely large in China, but we couldn’t be informed of these uncomfortable rumors in Japan, on the contrary, the China’s successful symbol the “People’s Communes” were appreciated on the globe, and we had opportunities to write such letters in the geography examinations.
Considering this, there have been a tremendously large number of someone suicidal in our society during these 30 years’ continuous recessions and depressions.
Despite this, numerous Diet members have wasted our bloody consumption taxes, which kills ordinary citizens.
About 80 Diet members of the Liberal Democratic Party are responsible for these undesirable situations because they have been the notorious tax frauds, an article says.
