When we take an entrance exam or a qualification exam, we must work on numerous questions in a determined hours, which seems too short for several examinees.
80 minutes might be short for them to deal with various kinds of questions provided in the English center tests.
In the case that we could spend 120 minutes, we could gain more satisfactory scores, but in fact, we fail to have enough time to read what is written in English politely.
After all, we must find what the author wants to express the most, in short, something indispensable including a few keywords, which enables us to choose the collect answer among four options offered by the test makers.
This is the only one strategy to obtain high marks.
There are only a few students who want to understand something vital more clearly, who have several questions for us to find it challenging to answer completely.
And we hope that such students would gain satisfactory scores in the entrance examinations, on the other hand, there are not a few students, who are interested in SNS.
They are always absorbed in looking at the screens, who don’t have any interests in their studies, to our sorrow.
We won’t require them to be equipped with their solid life schedules in the long run, however, we hope that they should make efforts to gain their own advantage subject.
Otherwise, we could never support them in the academic viewpoints and perspectives, an online article says.
Various kinds of cram schools have found it challenging to collect an extremely large number of the students in our society in recent years because the long continuous recessions have made ordinary citizens be unprofitable, which means that parents cannot afford to allow children to study at the cram schools, to our disappointments.
In addition, they could enjoy not a few popular tutors’ lessons and lectures on the Internet these days, he says.
Almost all of cram schools have provided the potential students with one time trial lessons, which attracts a few students, and a few veteran tutors demonstrate their superior performances, where they must capture their willingnesses and aggressivenesses, simultaneously, they must force them to make efforts together in order to obtain the reception letters from their desired schools.
A cram school should show them marvelous futures.