


There are not a few parks in our neighborhood.
It has various kinds of equipments for children.

There used to be many kinds of playground equipments for children, several of which seemed to be extremely dangerous even for their parents.
It is natural for such parents to hope that their children avoid being injured during their playtime, which finally made the parks’ situation changed.

The height of climbing bars were lowered, the ground was softened and so on, so that the number of children’s injuries became smaller and smaller dramatically.
However, not a few adults found these changes useless or helpless because they could prevent children from growing up appropriately, and because the equipments’ difficulty level was too low.

Playgrounds’ equipments have caused children to grow up properly : they tried to climb to the high place, but they felt afraid of it, which failed to stop them from doing it because they found it less scary while they tried it again and again : we call it “learning from experiences.”

Lowered equipments could deprive children of their opportunities to work on several challenges, at the same time, their parents feel it unsatisfactory for them to play with too easy a tool, the reason of which is that they want children to work on something more difficult or challenging.

Parents want children to do something new or novel in the positive way without them injured, which formed a special project team in order to find the idea to meet both requirements, which was extremely challenging.

Finally, the team realized the safer environment where children could enjoy various kinds of exciting and challenging equipments, at the same time, they should get injured less frequently.
Only now, we remember that we had numerous dangerous equipments for children here and there.

There are only a few children playing in the streets.
They play indoors because it is too hot outside home.
