


We have been employees with the night shift, so we have the trouble how to spend the heated evening in summer.
What makes us feel cool the most is to spend a certain amount of time in the eat-in space of the supermarket.
We can stay there for a few hours when the number of customers should be small, however, we cannot visit there every day because such a behavior could make ourselves be considered as someone odd or strange.

In that space, there are few posters introducing “Cool Share Campaign” toward the customers, which means that numerous ordinary citizens could save electricity when they should spend their free time in the public or commercial facilities because a tremendous number of people could utilize air conditioners at the same time.
The similar example is the campaign that a worker or a labor should utilize the public transportation commuters.

The city government suggests that the commercial facilities should participate in this campaign as well as the public facilities because the former could have various advantages except the fact that numerous ordinary citizens could enjoy saving the electricity used.

We might gain a few prepaid cards when we collect a certain number of stamps in such facilities, at the same time, the session of customers would have positive influences on the commercial facilities in the economic viewpoint, and we should admire both the genius inventors and the desirable projects, an article says.
