


ある長い推理小説を読む機会があった。早朝から深夜までだから20 時間は没頭していた。古典的な探偵小説は意外な登場人物が犯人でそれはテレビの殺人事件劇場の定番だ。探偵が実は真犯人だったという設定はよくあるらしいが初めて読んだ。

There was one of the opportunities to read an extremely long detective story, which took him about 20 hours to read through the mystery novel because he concentrated on it from early morning until midnight, which means that it should be something tremendously marvelous, he says.
A classical detective story features someone unexpected and he or she wouldn’t look a true criminal, but he or she has several decisive motivations to kill someone, and the genuine criminal confesses in the final chapter that the capable detective should right, which makes something mysterious end, and a reader feel satisfied, he assumes.
We tend to find these affairs typical in the TV mysterious theaters, which fails to surprise a mystery freak because a common procedure has been exhausted by countless and numerous geniuses since 1800’s, everyone assumes.
Furthermore, there have been various mystery novels, in which a detective himself or herself should commit crime with something vicious and malicious in the mind, which might make not a few readers something satisfactory.
In conclusion, we won’t fail to be absorbed in something unexpected in the following chapters, which has positive influences on us in a mental and physical perspectives.
